Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2012 not to destroy , but out !

 Note: The article mentions the time and space, and thus avoid the catastrophe. )
read about the U.S. government announced in early 2010 news alien presence, I feel very surprised, into interstellar civilization of human civilization is facing the challenges of twenty- A century of the information revolution caused by the ascendant, is now also to a (human civilization) Star of. This level of globalization we do a dazzling jump, Star of the level jump, to make changes in the future we prepared well in advance, especially with the introduction of alien human philosopher, leader of the dialogue series, we discuss it together to share, Oh .
(pre-human philosopher and spiritual leader of the aliens discuss the development of alien civilizations, and the alien's case, the alien's body shape and function, because after that the U.S. government will are announced, we do not publicly available, this issue, we discuss the 2012 Mayan prophecy and the problem)
human philosopher: you (called the spiritual leader of an alien), you've seen recently played in the 2012 blockbuster Armageddon it?

alien spiritual leaders: long known, and Oh, 2012, will become the world do many of us are alien civilizations to explore this issue.

human philosopher: To investigate the results? 2012 really will be a major disaster? As described in the film as it?

alien spiritual leader: not destructive disaster, but the elimination of the disaster. During 2010 and 2012, some disaster may even extend to early 2013. Earthquakes, pestilence, cold, volcanoes and other will be some, but the point is the plague.

human philosophers: What is destructive of the great disaster? What is the elimination of a major disaster? How to understand it?

the spiritual leader of an alien:-destructive catastrophe, that is really end of the world, the species will become extinct. The elimination of the disaster, it is part of the human choice to be saved, part of the human will be destroyed.

human philosophers: What kind of man will be saved? What kind of human would be destroyed?

alien spiritual leader: There are enough people who love to be saved, and the rest will be eliminated.

human philosopher: Do earthquakes, plagues and other disasters will be little to distinguish the person who is caring? Who is the love many people? Specially selected out of love the little man? This is not your alien superstition! ?

alien spiritual leader: not a natural disaster would choose, but we choose.
Human philosopher:?

alien spiritual leaders: in fact, along two main lines of natural science will advance, one is out, called the physical sciences. Two is the inward spirit of science. You are now on a modicum of success in the physical sciences, but the spirit of science is at the infant stage. We are after a very long period of alien scientific development of the physical sciences, but also after a very long period of spiritual science. Time has come to the spirit of science and the Integration phase of the physical sciences. We are the spirit of science is to study the physical effects of mental and physical behavior of the world.

human philosopher: the role of the spirit of physical science earth language is not translated into specific functions? Behavior of the physical world of the spirit is not what we understand animism! ?

alien spiritual leader: a little bit similar, but not exactly. Now we do not focus on the issue, back to my exposition of the theme set forth, not natural disaster in the selection, but our choice. Caring people and not love the human brain waves are different, and we recorded this difference, and to quantify it, a separate line, the love for a limit less than 700, greater than or equal to 700 as a limit. We call it
Human philosophers: What is the role of love switch?

alien spiritual leader: a trigger switch, after 1992, we are set for each person this earth switch. If you love than or equal to 700, this switch automatically. Automatically open, we can automatically turn on the people to a

human philosophers: What is the space shield? What is the Role?

alien spiritual leader: space shield you in sudden natural disasters being outside, automatic space stripping. This is because the protective shield of space-time is a special perceptual system, capable of sensing the outside world of sudden natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons, to reach your side in these disasters when people automatically put you into another whole time and space. In the aftermath of the disaster, and automatically put you back to the original space. As for the plague virus, time and space can shield isolation.

human philosophers: Why switch space shield to love? There is no permanent guard, do not switch this love, direct protection of all human beings?

the spiritual leader of alien: alien space shield is our spiritual Institute developed a product, it is one of the essential attribute of dignitaries have enough love to activate it, love is kind high-level energy can not be replaced, so to speak, time and space shield is a fetish, it is only by this high energy to inspire love, no other way.
Human philosopher: This is a terrible secret. Assumptions about the future there will be ongoing tragedy that may be caused due to human destruction of the earth, perhaps due to a disaster caused by the universe. Disaster out of love many times fewer people, and the rest of love many people. The question is, to retain so many more people love what is the purpose?
Alien spiritual leader: the universe will be upgraded, new love and the universe can only accommodate more people.

human philosopher: the universe will be upgraded! ? How to understand! ?

alien spiritual leader: we call the universe before the upgrade the old universe, the universe after the upgrade is called the new universe. A universe like the operating system on your computer, your computer operating system always upgrade from win95 to win98 then win2000, winxp and the latest win7. Old universe is like the old operating system, there is always bug (error), not perfect, it must be upgraded. Good old man in the universe the old operating system dependent applications running once the new operating system loaded on the system, some are not compatible application is not useful, it must be deleted. And some applications compatible with the new operating system, you can keep. Compatible with standard care about your love, and love enough to compatible with the new operating system (new universe), we can in the new operating system (new universe) continue to exist, or deleted (natural selection).
Human philosopher: still can not understand.

alien spiritual leader: simple-minded to know that you humans, so understanding this problem, we give you multiple ways of understanding. The above is just the first important to understand method. Understanding of law is called the operating system. Now, I talk about the second: the theory of evolution to understand method. You do not often talk about evolution? Darwinian evolution is the probability that you evolution method, DNA of a species problems, and problems but also for the environment, will be retained. After a long period of accumulation, DNA a lot of problems, these problems have accumulated, lucky hit, the monkey becomes a man. You're wrong, the evolutionary power on the nothingness of the probability theory foundation. Species will evolve, but the evolutionary power of love is the overall level of this species, a rise in the overall level of love, it will jump directly to the high level of compliance that loving species. Evolution is not tapered, but leaping. Human philosopher: it only species will evolve! ? Evolution of the universe is not it? Alien spiritual leader: the entire universe is also the evolutionary leap, the old to the new evolution of the universe once the universe. In fact, astronomy, there are some problems, for example, the planet over the age of age of the universe, the existence of matter in the universe more than the existence of cosmic time. The universe is like the operating system, hard drive applications like substance in the universe and the planets, you may change several operating systems do not replace the application. This time you see it!
Human philosopher: If the new replace the old universe, the universe, what the specific details? How to replace?

alien spiritual leader: we first need to understand why the new space to replace the old universe, and then to understand the details of replacement. We need to understand the world and the level of parallel universe. Parallel worlds in quantum mechanics as early as you already have the concept of micro-particles have wave-particle duality, wave can be split (wave diffraction), if the single particle as a wave, then the individual particles are also divided, One becomes two. Into the nature of this extended to the entire universe, the universe is also splitting? Is also the source of the concept of parallel worlds. In fact, you did not seize the main points of the parallel world, and we can give you a more accurate description.
first, not a particle split into two particles, but a mother of two sub-particles in particle production, the original particle has not disappeared. Wave diffraction is also a mother of two sub-waves generated waves, three waves are formed at the same time fluctuations in the world.
Second, the mother wave is the mother of the world, is the son wavelet world, mother of the world like a tree root, the child the world seems to be produced on branches from the root . Two sub-world is not parallel, but cross, cross in the mother world. The formation of a
level of the universe then what is it? Master the world is the universe, the world is a small sub-universe, the universe contains two small universe, the world consists of two sub-parent world. So, the first layer of sub-world is the universe, the world is the second layer of the mother universe. In essence, the universe is infinite multi-layered. The universe is infinite layer.

human philosopher: So how is the level of the universe come from? Parent difference between the universe at the sub-universe there? Sub-sub-universe, the universe and the relationship in the end and where?

alien spiritual leader: the reason why the universe has become a multi-layer, each layer of the universe is that it has two trends, evolution and degradation trends. For example, the above mentioned first layer of the first sub-universe is degradation of the second layer from the mother universe. The second layer of mother of the universe also has an evolutionary trend, once it evolved, it will produce the third layer universe. Each layer of the universe has a temporal universe, each layer, each layer of micro-universe material, each layer of the universe of law, each layer of the biological universe. There are layers of information on the nature of the universe, material, and energy exchange.

human philosopher: the universe at every level of law? How to understand?

alien spiritual leader: be understood that the universe exists at every level, there is fundamental support for that layer ** the universe. ** This is the fundamental layer of the universe, will have that layer of the universe and everything. ** If this did become very good, then it is dangerous for that layer of the universe, the universe would either degradation of this layer, fall to the next level. If the layers of degradation, on the layers of corruption, will eventually fall into the basic space, the basic universe. Basic space, the basic universe, if it is degenerate, degraded then no place to go, facing a complete disintegration, the fate of being destroyed.

human philosopher: ** become fundamental bad? How to understand?

alien spiritual leader: a layer of intelligent life arising from the universe, beginning in the production, generally do ** that layer embodiment of the universe, the universe is that layer of law enforcement. Many of the intelligent life came together, resulting in a civilized society. After a long period of time, the fundamental concept of intelligent life will gradually deviation of intelligent life at first is the fundamental concept of a number of deviations, these intelligent life after death, will be reborn into the lower universe. Deviation of intelligent life in more and more, these intelligent life living out of space will be under the overall play. Then the lower space will be more of a

human philosopher: reborn! ? This is the Buddhist view of the superstitious ah! They pin their hopes to the virtual human reality beyond, is an escape, a sign of weakness.

alien spiritual leader: To be honest, you people are too superstitious science, especially natural science, some basic points, such as seeing is believing, I thought as virtual. Can not reproduce the phenomenon of repeated false scientific believe that natural science can solve all problems. The fact is, many of our science are revealed to you, there is no pride in your human capital. Many scientists are another layer of alien occupation of the body, the body of these alien scientists in command of human invention and creation. Only a few aliens and humans are present in the same universe. Some of the aliens from your peer from the other sub-universe, but there are some aliens in the universe from the top down.

human philosopher: halo! Is this the truth, nothing, hehe. Quantum mechanics, it is virtually impossible to parallel universe.

alien spiritual leaders: the current level of technology you do not. Dark matter and dark energy that you know accounted for more than 90% of the total mass of the universe, while only 5% of the visible universe. How to now, you also believe that seeing is believing. In fact, with the level of sub-universe, the universe has some detectable pair of physical force, and high-level universe, your universe, and sometimes there is no physical force was able to produce physical phenomena. So, you have called the scientific mystery.

human philosopher: I may understand a little.

alien spiritual leader: the natural science in your thinking, you always stressed the reality of some whimsical ideas are always rejected. In fact, the reality is false. Theoretical physics, you have a brane world theory. Then the film outside of hyperspace, what is it? Moreover, this is what a film it? I tell you, this film is a false
you always thought the real world is solid and reliable, in fact, the real world and watching big screen movies, but also how much difference? Movie screen is a picture composed of one another, only 25 images flashed in a second or more, people seem to like a movie screen is active. After the picture disappeared, before the arrival of another picture, the film screen is full of Movie screens in the world of people who think they solid and reliable. Really reliable? The screen is just put the film world of film (the world) is a projection only.
your universe is only a three-dimensional projection, in addition to the touch, can feel the technology only. Your one hundred thousandth of seconds, the universe is completely very solid and reliable. In fact, you now have virtual reality technology, which is revealed to humanity that we aliens, which has a meaning. Virtual reality ah, the reality is virtual, Oh, ah do not understand clearly!

human philosopher: Perhaps they understand that.

alien spiritual leader: you people are always greedy, money, ah, beautiful women, ah, ah material desires, understand the truth and see what can be greedy you can be the object of greed and Stronghold, mirror in the month, what is the difference? The ancient Greek philosopher Plato that you have a theory, called the idea of ​​the world, our real world is the idea of ​​a perfect world projection. Almost say, huh, huh.

human philosopher: the perfect ideal world must have high-level universe.
Alien spiritual leader: Yes

human philosopher: I think you have already revealed the lower level of the universe and the universe, a relationship called the projection relation. Perhaps there are other relationships that can be opened from this relationship to the projector. These relations also involves how to replace the old to the new universe, the universe, and the replacement of the rules. Continues this theme in depth, I would like to know, first, the Big Bang cosmology is not correct. Second, the human reincarnation of Buddhism in the six some of the details.

alien spiritual leaders: the big bang cosmology that the universe started from a singularity (0, space, matter density is not infinite points in space), then after a flood, the final formation of galaxies, stars and planets. Now the universe continue to expand, swelling to a critical point, the universe may be shrinking, and finally shrink to a point, that moment of cosmic destruction. Before the explosion in the universe, what is it? Western science can not answer, had to God, or, when the universe exploded, before the formation of time and space, before the explosion in the universe, the question itself is meaningless.
fact, according to level of cosmology, the universe is the universe, the degradation of the death of the universe, evolution is the generation of high-level universe. The demise of the universe and generate no clear timetable, depending on the universe of intelligent life care is not the level of law and in this case a coincidence. The formation of the universe, the universe if it is degraded into a lower level the universe, the universe from big to small, low to high cosmic evolution of the universe, you need a time, and this time, the universe will be from small to big, at this time the end is the Fa-rectification period. The six cycle, do not want to go into the details, you can own to study Buddhist scriptures.

human philosopher: Fa-rectification period? How to understand? The universe from small to big, is not the same Big Bang theory is somewhat similar to the accelerating expansion of the universe! ?

alien spiritual leader: Yes, the accelerating expansion of the universe that the universe from small to big, this is the universe evolved to lower the signal level of the universe, and in the Fa-rectification period, one will be more accelerated expansion of the universe, Second, the original metabolic universe, galaxies would collapse the old and new galaxies, the perseverance, the planets will form. At the same time, the universe of all civilized society, the corruption of the old, decadent ideas will appear clean, the universe compatible with the new high-level concepts will gradually spread and popular.

human philosopher: This reminds me of the ancient concept of Heaven.

alien spiritual leader: Japan Saint Seiya there is a point that the human body is a small universe. This small universe, the human body evolved to the level to the universe, its evolution is a key factor in the concept of human nature, and in essence the extension of the person under the concept of words and deeds, that is, people's morality. The ancient Chinese have been emphasizing the moral, do not forget the little things to, not to be evil little to whom. In fact, this is also the younger generation to prepare for the future.

human philosopher: you are now talking about not only the general law of evolution of the universe, this general rule has been applied to this universe we live here.

alien spiritual leader: Yes, we talked so much, but for that we truly understand the Mayan 2012 prophecy to prepare.
human philosopher: I know the Mayan prophecy is this: the ancient Maya from the Americas have had a very splendid civilization, which is recognized as the world's. Mayan calendar called Long Count (Long Count Calendar) is amazing, they say we humans are experiencing a last thousand years (5125 in the great cycle) galaxies update, the time from 3113 BC to play in the year ending 2012 . In the This bunch of beam cross-section diameter is 5,125 Earth years. In other words, the Earth-ray beam needs to pass this 5125 years. Maya to the Three stages in a decade and every stage of the evolution period is divided into twenty. Each period lasted for approximately two years. This calendar cycle and China's They think that since the beginning of the world, the Earth has been four Sun Ji. When the solar system through various planets
over the Galaxy-ray beam under the action of the Milky Way. December 21, 2012 is the long calendar of the days of the end of human civilization. Since then, mankind will enter and this has nothing to civilization, a new civilization. Mayan prophecy from the From 1992 to 2012 period of two decades, our planet has entered a Maya believes this is They call it At this time, the Earth to fully achieve the purification. In the

alien spiritual leaders: in fact, has not talked about the Mayan civilization, 2012, and only talked about the earth clean and updated in 1992 to 2012 as will be assimilated I mentioned above, the focus of the Mayan prophecies.

human philosopher: Will you please explain your key focus of the content of the Mayan prophecies.

alien spiritual leader: This is the mystery of human civilization, when fully opened, regardless of each member of your human beings believe it or not, that time will get to the bottom. Every human civilization you are for the universe evolved beings are for the 1992-2012 period from the Fa-rectification, a critical moment in the evolution of the universe, that Fa-rectification period, contributed to the evolution of the universe of all sentient beings, will be extremely glory and Weed.
in the Fa-rectification period, the world is righteous in the dissemination of a large, because the large effective ways to assimilate the new universe is the fundamental, ** propagation may be hindered , will hinder the effective ways to wreck the final stage of the Fa-rectification period, the end of 2012 been completely removed, thoroughly clean. Earth is also the last update of the end. Heaven and earth will be replaced, sun and moon will be updated as part of the old man out of the other part is completely upgraded to the younger generation. Evolved as the new younger generation in the universe, the human DNA will be completely changed, resulting in appearance as a man could be changed completely. Composed of people will be more fine particulate matter, the new man will completely get rid of oil and gas and so the old energy, photon flux entering a new civilization. Star Trek photon flux makes it possible, every creature will bring for the primary photons from the photon stream and dynamic.
the Earth to the new space in our universe, when the Earth through the photon belt, when in very high energy and strong, usually people who do not practice simply can not get through , and we , into those who eat very little, not cold nor heat intolerance, and he has all the knowledge and intelligence, his DNA was immaculate, and everyone there is great love the chest, rapid technological development and space travel becomes normal. (Brothers and sisters on earth, let us pray for this moment of peace to come quickly!! Final evolutionary time coming, the earth mother and our father loved each of their children, every child can hope to survive the current changes in the hope that life is full of children from this boundless love and peace, hope interstellar from sisters and brothers, hoping to only one purpose of human life --- the eternal heritage love and wisdom!)

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