Thursday, December 9, 2010

--- Feng Shui series of seven study feng shui

 Direction and position
desk feng shui said position, by definition includes the concepts of direction and position, then the direction should be toward the desk where? In general,UGG boots, the desk is better placed opposite the door, such as your study room door is the south, toward the door will also be placed to the desk; this is the direction of the problem, then the exact location? here to note that the direction of the desk to the door, but in the position have to avoid the door and the door can not be relative. Otherwise, evil spirits by the door straight, not only can not concentrate, and this long-standing red desk position, will cause losses to the cause. This is a desk placed in the most basic rules, accurate Wenchang bit to send the eight house law to be. Please refer to the house to be selected for eight-column house rules.
study patron
transparent glass curtain building is a popular trend, but, as a cause of major policy decisions or the auspices of the executor Seats must not back glass, which is behind the case without relying on the operator's taboo, and the inevitable loss of wealth and career development. Similarly, in your home's study, but also to avoid the situation behind the non-reliable , especially in school of pupils and students, preferably behind the desk seat against the wall, so basically by avoiding the occurrence of non-behind.
study corner desk near the window, pay attention to the window other premises within ten meters launched into the sharp corners, sharp corners of the smaller farther away, the closer the greater impact.
beam pressure classes desk top
top pressure beam also taboo, if it can not be avoided must be installed ceiling of the block. of course, avoid those beams head pressure in the sitting or desk, or the cause of the inevitable difficulties in the operation, it will affect the physical health and mental state.
distracted every study desk
should have windows, because there are windows of the room, air and light are ideal, so the study to a window for the wonderful course.
but it's important to note that the window of his study is not on the desk, looking for empty desk at home compared school terms are not appropriate. aside Feng Shui aside, the environment, the desk is on the windows, people would easily distracted by attractive scenery outside the window, it is difficult to concentrate on work, which characterize the young people not yet affected particularly serious. Therefore, to enhance their learning attention, parents should avoid being the windows of their desks.
colors Wenchang Star
study of color, should be based on the life of each hexagram and each different set of Different house to house with the specific phase, if you are interested, you can see the house to be selected for eight-house method? quot; a column. Here, talk about some simple rules, I think the study should be a light green color of the main. This is mainly because Wenchang stars (some called Wenquxing), five elements are wood, so we should use the color of wood that is green is appropriate, this will help Wang Wenchang stars. In addition, setting aside talk about feng shui, one for physical health and words, the green has a protective effect on the eyes and vision, tired eyes for reading see very appropriate, with seductive effect.
course, this is the most basic argument, which is equivalent with the sign of the Zodiac constellations and the like, if strictly from Feng Shui angle, must take the subject of Feng Shui Eight House School.
character mantra
bookcase bookcase on the location, I think the truth as long as you can remember the following character, a desk to sit Kyrgyzstan, bookcase sit fierce, desk should be placed in the auspicious position, while the bookcase is exactly the opposite, it should be placed in the unlucky position to suppress the wicked and wild.
any room in the rather small and elegant, avoid white elephant. Some home relatively spacious home, will set a very large study, in fact, such a study in the reading or writing, it is difficult to concentrate, because the poly gas is one of the basic principles of feng shui, in such a large study, where it is difficult to achieve the accumulation of gas, spirit will inevitably spread, and if you are the owner or manager, in such a large study in the strategizing, the development of the cause of great prejudice,UGGs, not accidentally.

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