Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ideological and Moral Education Standards

 Full-time compulsory education, ideological and moral curriculum standards

(trial version)
first part of the preface
China is in building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating socialist modernization in the new stage of development. Scientific and technological progress , increasingly fierce competition in comprehensive national strength, social change and development of human ideas and moral challenges posed new and higher requirements. middle school students are in the rapid development of physical and mental participation in public life and learning an important stage in the ideological and moral and values of the formation of a critical period, the urgent need for the development of moral character and correct guidance to help effectively. to meet the needs of social development and student development, strengthen ideological and moral education of the appropriateness, effectiveness, initiative, according to the sixteen party the spirit and the CPC Central Committee issued the for junior secondary students to lay the foundation for the healthy development of moral character of a comprehensive required course. has the following characteristics:
l ideological Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and close contact with the actual thinking of social life and students to help students to gradually form a good moral character and mental qualities, to develop a law-abiding and polite behavior, enhance patriotism, collectivism, the thoughts and feelings, and gradually build socialism with Chinese characteristics common vision for the students to gradually form a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values basis.
l humanistic focus to the national spirit and outstanding cultural students, concerned about the developmental needs of students with life experience, respect for student learning and development of the law enrich the students thoughts and feelings, and guide students to establish a positive attitude towards life, cultivate a strong will and spirit of unity and cooperation, and promote the healthy development of personality of students.
l practical focus and student life experience and social practice to contact, through the Student self-involvement, a variety of activities, expansion of knowledge and skills, improving the knowledge structure, enhance the living experience, and promote the right ideas and good moral character formation and development.
l comprehensive public life, from students to adapt to social and moral character the reality of the formation and development to grow in me, and I with others, I and the collective, the relationship between state and society the main line, on the moral, mental health, legal and national conditions, and many other organic integration of learning content.
l basic idea of the course gradually extend the lives of middle school students is the basis for curriculum construction.
moral character who lives through knowledge and practice on evolving. junior high school students gradually expand the scope of life the need to address the increasing number of relationships. The course is in the gradual extension of the life experience of students based on their correct understanding of self, handle with others, and the collective, the state and society relations, and promote the healthy development of moral character provide the necessary help.
l help students learn to be responsible citizens, to lead an active and healthy life is the pursuit of this course.
middle school students are in adolescence to adult transition, self-awareness and independence gradually increase. In the junior secondary level to help students develop good character, foster a sense of responsibility and a positive attitude to life, the growth of students with a fundamental role. The course of the mission is to lead students to the meaning of life, perception, and gradually form a correct world outlook, life view, values and basic good and evil, right and wrong, learn to responsible citizens, to lead an active healthy life.
l adhere to the correct values to guide and inspire students to think independently and actively practice to follow this course of unity basic principles.
ideological and moral formation and development requires students to think independently and life experience, social norms, and only through the student's own practice can be truly internalized. This course will guide the correct value of life implied in the fresh theme being, focus on curricular and extracurricular combination of contradictions in practice to encourage students to actively explore and experience the conflict through the promotion of ideological and moral practice and moral formation and development.
1.3 Curriculum design ideas
the curriculum standards ideological and moral education based on the objectives, the cognitive level of students from junior high school and living the reality around me growing, I and others, I and the collective, national and social relations, integration of moral, mental health, legal and national education, etc. content. Curriculum design aim to enhance the curriculum relevance, effectiveness, and initiative.
second part of the overall goal of curriculum objectives
junior secondary students of this course is to strengthen ideological and moral education as the main task of helping students improve their moral qualities, the formation of healthy mental quality, establishing the legal awareness, social responsibility and social practice, and guide students in compliance with basic rules of conduct, based on the pursuit of higher ideological and ethical, national spirit, and establish socialism with Chinese characteristics the common ideal of Marxism, and gradually form a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, to enable students to become ideals, morality, culture, and discipline lay the foundation for good citizenship.
2.2 Classification of Target
emotions, attitudes, values,
love life, self-confident, optimistic, strong willed.
close to nature, care for the environment, thrift and treasure resources.
your parents, respect for others, helpful, honest and trustworthy.
love of labor , practice-oriented, love science and innovation.
respect for the rules, respect for rights, respect for the law, the pursuit of justice.
loving the collective sense of responsibility, competition, teamwork and dedication.
love the socialist motherland and peace, with a world perspective.
culture love nature, appreciation of nature, the ability to protect the environment.
development of observation, feeling, experience, participation in public life, the initial contact and communication training capacity.
initial awareness and understanding of the complexities of social life, with a basic moral judgments and the ability to distinguish right and wrong, to make choices responsibly.
enhance self-adjustment, self-control ability and learn to regulate sensibly their emotions.
to gradually understand and continuously improve the collection, processing, use of social information, methods and skills, learn to think independently, ask questions and to reflect.
to understand the law and its significance, understand the social life the necessary rules to abide by the law, enhance the ability to seek legal protection.
characteristics of physical and mental development of young people to understand and promote physical and mental health approach, recognizing the individual relationship between development and social environment.
know me and others, I and society, ethics and nature I am.
know the basic legal knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of the fundamental law.
understanding of China's basic national conditions, the basic line, basic national policy and the world Overview.

third part of the standard one, growing my
(a) Recognizing the goals of self
mm to keep a correct understanding of self and acceptance of physiological changes, understanding of adolescent psychology .
mm study regulation of mood, enhanced self-regulation, to bear the difficulties and setbacks, the ability to adapt to the environment, to form the mental state of optimism.
mm objective evaluation of their own to cultivate a sound personality and good personality traits.
content standards proposed activities
physiological changes accept themselves, to promote the coordinated development of physical and psychological.
1.2 that adolescent mental health knowledge, to overcome the troubles of adolescence, regulating their own mental impulses. < br> 1.3 Understanding the diversity of emotion, learn to regulate and control their emotions, maintain positive attitude.
1.4 objective analysis of the setbacks and adversity, to find effective remedies, to develop the courage to overcome difficulties and forge ahead in good quality.
1.5 Active exercise individual psychological quality, sharpen the will, strive to create a good learning, work habits and attitude towards life.
1.6 understand the importance of self-evaluation, objective understanding, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, create a more clear and self- overall image.
group discussions when their emotional impulses, or is low, how to talk to, transfer, conversion, self-comfort and so on, for a reasonable catharsis.
collection self-reliance .
(b) self-esteem self-
mm realize the value of life, love life.
mm develop self-esteem, self-reliance, self-reliance spirit.
mm able to distinguish right from wrong, learn on their own actions.
content standards proposed activities
know human beings are part of nature, recognizing the uniqueness of their own lives, realize that life is precious.
2.2 that should be realized from the start bit by bit everyday life meaning, understanding the value of life.
2.3 know how to self-esteem and sense of shame, understanding, self-respect and respect for others is to get the premise, do not do degrading things.
2.4 to develop self-confidence attitude towards life, establish for the people, the lofty aspirations for social services, understand the meaning of self-improvement.
2.5 experience, conduct and consequences of contact, that every action will have certain consequences, people should be responsible for their actions.
2.6 to distinguish right from wrong good and evil, honest, and learn in more complex social life and make the right choice.
a observed for each individual species and the uniqueness of every life experience the magical world of life.
give some examples of Chinese and foreign people, or around the students themselves and their life stories on topics discussed.
recommend to the students to carry out the activities of a good book.
(c) study and apply laws
mm to know the law is a special code of conduct, understand the law in social life role.
mm understanding of the law the special protection of minors, learn to use the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.
mm understanding of the law the provisions of the prevention of juvenile crime, enhance self-awareness of prevention.
content standards recommended
activities that the law is formulated by the state and ensure the implementation of coercive power by the state a special code of conduct, to understand our laws reflect the will of the people and interests.
3.2 to know the law by rights and obligations provided to regulate people's behavior through criminal sanctions to resolve disputes and to safeguard people's legitimate rights and interests.
3.3 know the law the special protection of minors, to understand the family protection, school protection, social protection and judicial protection elements.
3.4 understand the difference between general law and crime, that bad behavior and bad behavior can develop into serious crimes, consciously resist the temptations.
3.5 learning in daily life self-protection methods and skills, access to legal assistance that minor ways and means to establish a sense of self-protection, to use legal fight with the illegal and criminal acts.
collected according to law a typical case of protection of minors, the law feel special protection given to the significance of a minor.
cited provisions of the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, the bad behavior of easy contamination and serious adverse behavior, analyze the behavior of individuals, families and harm to the society.
access to the relevant laws and regulations, understand the full 14 years of age under 16 years of age the implementation of which eight kinds of crimes subject to criminal sanctions; know that over 16 years of age for all crimes must be held criminally liable. < br> Second, my relationships with others
(a) of the interaction and communication
mm grasp of basic communication etiquette, learn interpersonal and communication.
mm good at working with people, efforts to establish interpersonal skills.
content standards recommended
activities equal communication with their parents learn a correct understanding of the care of their parents, and education, and possible conflicts, to overcome the br> 1.2 to understand the phenomenon of adolescent psychological closure and damage, and actively with classmates, friends, contacts, to develop a warm, outgoing personality.
1.3 between the students correctly understand the emotional opposite sex, communication and friendship, learn the proper way with the opposite sex exchanges.
1.4 understand the characteristics of teachers, and actively communicate effectively with teachers, the correct treatment of praise and criticism of teachers, enhance teacher's feelings.
1.5 know the premise of polite exchanges of civilization, have basic communication etiquette and skills, develop habits of courtesy and manners.
1.6 understand the relationship between competition and cooperation, properly deal with the social life of cooperation and competition, to develop solidarity and cooperation, quality and helpful.
to How do I resolve conflicts with their parents and expectations, worries and joy of life and so on, to write the report based on interviews.
exchange experience the life of civilized manners in the role.
(b) The character interaction
mm to know your parents and a man of honesty and trustworthiness are fundamental to respect parents and elders, to do an honest man .
mm Learning to care, respect, tolerance, understanding of others, helpful, kind.
content standards recommended
activities parents to understand that life is given by the parents to raise their own experience of hard work, to do their best to honor their parents and elders.
2.2 understand the human and trustworthy, to be honest on what the basic requirements of responsible, honest understanding of the complexity of life, that honesty can be trusted to do honest man.
2.3 concern and respect for others, understand others, not bullies bully strangers, not to family, health, intelligence and other differences and pride, or self-esteem.
2.5 experience harmonious living together requires mutual respect, understanding, tolerance and mutual help, know how to care for the environment and public facilities, to comply with embodies morality and order, respect for others.
2.6 understand cultural diversity and richness, the attitude of equality with other peoples and nations of the friendly exchanges between the people and respect different cultures and customs.
exchange with students quarrels how empathy or other means to resolve conflicts.
on status.
topic of discussion in good faith.
(c) the rights and obligations
mm understanding of the Constitution and laws of civil rights and obligations that can properly exercise their rights, fulfill their obligations .
content standards proposed activities
understand the relationship between rights and obligations, learn to respect the rights of others to fulfill their obligations.
3.2 that citizens have the right and obligation to receive education, learn how to use the law protect their right to education and conscientiously perform their obligations to education.
3.3 know legal protection of life and health of citizens from abuse, understand the law on minors, the special protection of life and health, learn to use laws to protect themselves and others the life and health, shall not be violated and crimes against other people's health, life and rights.
3.4 to the law and protect citizens from violations of personal dignity, to self respect for others, using the law to protect their dignity.
3.5 that legal protection of the privacy of individual citizens, organizations and individuals shall not disclose any of the personal privacy of minors, to consciously respect the privacy of others.
3.6 know the legal protection of property of citizens, minors and the intellectual inheritance of property from infringement , learn to use the law to protect their economic rights.
3.7 know the legal protection of legitimate rights and interests of consumers, learn to use the law to protect their rights as consumers.
collect the relevant information, to discuss ways to maintain the right to education. < br> to > the discussion of any organization or individual may hire minors under 16 years of age (except as otherwise provided in the State) of the reason.
to cases of illegal students, such as assault, causing grievous injury, disability, etc. discussion.
Third, I and the collective, the relationship between state and society
(a) actively adapt to the social objectives of development and progress of
mm growing awareness of the social environment, improve the adaptability of life.
mm understanding of the relationship between individual and collective, concerned about the development of the motherland and 命运.
content standards for proposed activities
correct understanding of group psychology and curiosity, develop independent thinking and self-control and eliminate Buliang habits, develop good habits.
1.2 correctly deal with academic pressure, overcome test anxiety, develop the correct concept of learning, further education and career choices to do the mental preparation.
1.3 correct understanding of the difficulties and adversities in life, improve the psychological endurance to maintain a proactive state of mind.
1.4 correct understanding of the relationship between the individual and the collective experience the development and change, enhance the interest and emotional care for the community, to develop pro-social behavior.
1.6 personal feelings and the feelings of national culture and national destiny of the link between increased cultural identity.
select a hot topic of interest to society or phenomenon, express personal opinions and views, and classmates.
link The social assistance activities and heroic deeds reflect the relationship between individual and collective.
(b) social responsibility
mm knew a fair and conducive to social stability and establish a sense of fairness.
mm fairness and justice need to know how to stimulate the sense of social justice.
mm responsibility to understand their social responsibility, strive to be a responsible citizen.
content standards recommended
activities to maintain social equity for the community to understand the importance of stability and establish a sense of fair cooperation.
2.2 know the justice system requires everyone to comply with the rules and procedures, to identify acts of justice and injustice, cultivate a sense of justice, consciously abide by social rules and procedures.
2.3 that responsibility is to produce the social relations of mutual commitment, understanding, responsibility is not responsible for the costs and consequences, to be a responsible citizen.
2.4 know how people of different social status due to bear the responsibility of different , enhance the sense of responsibility.
2.5 can actively participate in social activities, service to the community, and gradually establish a dedication to serve the people.
try to analyze their own in the family, school and community in different capacities and different responsibilities. on ; How to be a responsible citizen the public service.
(c) legal and social order
smm know the rule of law is our country's ills, and enhance awareness of the law.
mm understanding of the law in maintaining social order and the important role of , and conscientiously safeguard the authority of the law.
content standards recommended
activities that Constitution is the fundamental law, has the highest legal force, and establish awareness of the Constitution.
3.2 that the rule of law is in accordance with the Constitution and the law provisions governing the country, building a modern socialist country and achieve the necessary stability of the state requirements, establish the legal system.
3.3 understand that there are laws must be strictly enforced, and law meaning, can consciously the law, maintain social order.
3.4 establish a sound understanding of supervision and restriction mechanism and the effective implementation of the legal protection of justice, and learn to exercise their right to have oversight.
with family rules, state law of the land br> organize a mock court activity.
(d) Recognizing the situation I love China
mm feelings of reform and opening up of China's great achievements has been to enhance the emotional love of the Chinese Communist Party.
mm understanding overall goal of building a moderately prosperous society and ways to enhance the contribution to the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation's mission.
mm carry forward and cultivate the national spirit, social responsibility awareness of contemporary youth, foster the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, determined serve the motherland.
content standards recommended
activity around feelings change, understand the Chinese Communist Party's reform and opening up, people of all nationalities and the development of the socialist market economy to the country, the enormous social changes that Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and and the political system, so that all understand the sources of social wealth full play to the benefit of the people of the necessity to appreciate the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.
4.3 understand the overall goal of building a moderately prosperous society, understanding of social development is uneven status, and enhance the sense of building a socialist country.
4.4 understand our science and technology, education development achievements, the gap with the developed countries know and understand the practical significance in Implementing the Strategy, feel technological innovation, educational innovation the need to improve their own quality.
4.5 that China's population, resources, environment and other conditions, understanding of family planning, environmental protection, rational use of resources, foster awareness of sustainable development.
4.6 know that China is a unified multi-ethnic country, the country's long-term stability and prosperity depend on people of all equality and mutual assistance, solidarity and cooperation, hard work, common development and understanding of the traditional Chinese virtues, to practical action to promote their own and cultivate the national spirit, and promote socialist spiritual civilization construction, safeguard national stability and national unity.
4.7 understand the development trend in today's world to know China's position in the world structure, role and the opportunities and challenges facing the sense of urgency, establish a global concept, and safeguarding world Peace.
4.8 that the ideal of the common people of all experience the realization of the ideal must be hard, determined to sacrifice the future of social work hard to serve the motherland.
collection reflects the tremendous changes since the founding of New China, information, discussion only In the road of socialism under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in order to save China, can develop China.
investigate environmental problems in the region put forward reasonable suggestions to relevant departments to design a treasure of resources to protect the environment or public service ads.
to Ethnic Singing activities, learn customs of ethnic minorities.
activity is not one to one advice and content standards, activities, suggested a reference value only, teachers can be combined with the local way to choose appropriate activities and content. < br> The fourth part of the implementation of the proposed
one, teaching suggestions
(a) adhere to the correct ideological orientation
in teaching, we must adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and ; as the guide, fully implement the Party's education policy. in the teaching of the implementation process, the accurate grasp of the course objectives, adhere to the principle of positive education, promoting socialist theme.
(b) emphasize the links in real life
teaching, must face a variety of social life, development and use of students have life experience, the students selected a topic of concern around the students real life problems, to help students understand and master the requirements and norms of social life, improve the ability of social adaptation.
(c) to guide students in independent study
in teaching, and actively guide students to self-learning, active exploration of social reality and the problem of self-growth through study, discussion, interviews and other activities in cooperation and share in the rich, to expand their experience, and constantly enhance the moral desire to learn, enhance self-growth needs.
(d) focus on students
emotional experience and moral practice in teaching, and continue to create conditions for students moral practice, rich emotional experience of students, perception and understanding of the ideological and moral values of social requirements, and gradually form a correct moral values and good habits.
Second, teaching materials Textbooks recommended
issued by the Ministry of Education to follow various phenomena and practical problems, the value of Ideological and Moral Education to play a guiding role. Textbook of layout and presentation, it is necessary to meet the academic theory of the inherent logic, but also meet the age and psychological characteristics of students to follow the law of the ideological and moral development.
materials should have sufficient openness, choice of materials should be beneficial to the teaching of creative teachers, but also help guide students to think independently. to ask questions by providing information, together with students to discuss and design activities and guide students to actively participate in social practice and to communicate and discuss with others.
materials in meeting the basic requirements of the standard premise of course, should consider the different characteristics of urban and rural areas.
(a) of the orientation is correct, the content of science < br> learning and teaching materials to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and , effectiveness and initiative, the full potential of course the important role of moral education in schools.
(b) Select the real-life material
student moral awareness, moral, emotional and moral basis of practice standards, through surveys, etc., select the students concerned with educational and social issues in real life, and advanced as the main character of the touching stories of material, to avoid empty talk, creative curriculum standards reflect the basic requirements for stimulating interest in and guide students students to think, to provide basic text based on sentiment.
(c) reflects the ideological and moral formation and development of teaching materials
the general process of the presentation should be based on ideological and moral formation and development of students to the general rule, students can receive and organizations willing to participate in the way of teaching content and presentation so that students understand and appreciate the truth in the teaching content, thus the value of this course is intended to guide students to develop into the internal needs and choose to make teaching truly promote the moral development of students important text.
(d) the presentation should be lively, diverse, self-
materials help students to reflect through a lot of living examples of basic principles, basic concepts and knowledge; both a text description, but also accompanied by appropriate pictures, but also develop the corresponding conditional audio-visual resources. Materials should be selected typical cases, the design of open situations to stimulate the enthusiasm of self-learning.
(e) promote the theme of the module presented in a way standard content
Textbooks should strive to mental health, ethics, law, the organic integration of national conditions and then learn to live thematic modules are written, co-ordinate design of material structure.
Third, the evaluation recommended
evaluation of this course is to implement the Ministry of Education issued the a) evaluate the purposes and principles of the
evaluation of this course is intended to examine the level of teachers and students to achieve the degree of learning objectives to help teachers improve their teaching, to ensure that curriculum goals and to make assessment as to promote teaching, learning and moral development and improve the process.
the course of the evaluation principles:
1. curriculum evaluation must adhere to the correct ideological value orientation, and promoting the formation of the students good moral character. evaluated to be true, fair and credible to objectively record and description of student learning conditions and moral character development and development needs, mobilize the enthusiasm of students, enhance their sense of self-confidence and aggressiveness.
2. evaluation is necessary to attach importance to the students the basic knowledge and understanding of the course and use, but also to examine the moral course students in the learning process, whether to proceed with the formation of a good citizen should have the attitude, skills, values and behaviors.
3. ideological and moral course for students not to attach importance to learning evaluation result, greater attention to development, change and process, formative assessment and summative assessment should combine. pay attention to give students enough opportunity to demonstrate their achievements.
4. to attach importance to students, teachers and parents in the evaluation process role, to make the evaluation as students, teachers and parents to participate in interactive activities to facilitate the evaluation process as students, teachers to the development process.
5. to attach importance to the student evaluation feedback. feedback is important to the evaluation part, no matter in what form or method of evaluation, evaluation results should be fed back to students. of student evaluation feedback can be formal, it can be informal; feedback can be both timely, it can be delay, It is important to grasp the opportunity to promote their moral development.
(b) evaluation of student learning assessment should be objectively recorded
student learning and moral character of the growth and development process, attention to student differences in the development, and developing the different needs and characteristics in order to carry out targeted guidance. The course evaluation methods advocated 如下:
observed mainly refers to the observation of teachers in the state of nature, a purpose, there are plans to observe the students in the daily study and life demonstrated by the emotions, attitudes, skills and behavior, and recorded, as a guide and evaluate students 依据.
descriptive Pingyu teachers and students on the basis of the full exchange, using descriptive language to students In one aspect of the performance of moral character, such as attitude, ability and behavior, written reviews, reviews should be motivating language.
project evaluation in accordance with the different projects the students are divided into groups, self-designed program of activities by the students can the real issues surrounding the activities of social life. requires students to collect, organize, interpret or express information, such as submission of investigation reports or small papers and so on. students can analyze for group achievement, the group evaluation and individual evaluation of the combination.
talk to teachers and students through various forms of dialogue, ideological and moral development of students get the information accordingly to guide and evaluate students.
established growth record of students Footprints bag. recorded by students in the course of the kinds of performance, mainly progress and achievement. to self-record-based students, teachers, students, parents to participate, students and evaluators to assess the dual identity of the object involved in the evaluation process.
test examination should be flexible and diverse, such as debates, quizzes and other scenarios, writing test is a way of examination, avoid using the end of nature, a single knowledge test to the students and the ideological and moral courses of study to make the moral evaluation of the situation ...

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