Thursday, December 23, 2010

Random Thoughts on the fate of

 Longer than the world known to the world each of us students who are from the God a long time ago, the fate arranged it? Why are some born to the family of that rich, enjoy life, wealth and status ... there is not the who are humble birth, such as ants, three meals a day is difficult to fill its belly, struggling for decades, but still, could not escape the realm of the untouchables!
this issue, perhaps we humans always want to do not understand!
My father was born in Gansu Jingyuan, rain-free patch of grass grows year round, barren desert on the Loess Plateau. a lot of blog friends posted pictures often travels to the motherland lamented the spectacular beauty of the Loess Plateau desert beach ... every time At this time, I will not help go to say, For those of you visitors, it may be beautiful and magnificent images, while my father, so that a child, grew up there, and then escape out of the successful people who can really understand the desolate barren, endless arid Loess, for humans, means that the fate of how to frustration, loss and death struggle!
his father in 1932, was born in a local middle well-off family. At the time local, honest people, means that the dozens of acres of thin, a few adobe houses, several donkeys, a group of dirty children. father, five brothers, his fourth of the line, the eldest brother's age, almost more than his fourteen-year-old sophomore. Gansu almost rain, so the country has been in the eighties, are playing their home loess blank, used to build a house, there is need to spend another silver, the purchase bricks.
the year round, God seldom rains, thick loess thick subsoil severe drought, local water well water does not exist. So, whether people, animals, crops, etc., rely on water, walk back and forth five or six hours, twenty or thirty or even more distant way, pull the donkey to the Yellow River tributary of the pack water. thirty fifty years, local children, almost from the seven-year-old, will take part in the brutal daily labor. And my father, I still can not imagine today, he labors in the daily pull of water outside It is hard to rely on how the efforts and perseverance, just as his brother five people, the only high school graduates!
1950, the outside world a grand time, my father and many aspiring revolutionary year youth, decided to get out of barren yellow earth. Do not misunderstand the word go Yeah, that's really positive to come out! home position is almost the most in the north of Gansu, near the Inner Mongolia region, south of Lanzhou, north side, from the the Yellow River tributary, is the absolute silence of the vast no man's land. Since then not pass the train, a young man, out of those difficulties, the only way to get rid of that closure, that is, toward the south, step by step, walk out to. In I can remember, from Lanzhou to my home town, the train is the way six or seven hours, there should be five-six hundred kilometers, and even more distance ... For example, nearly a thousand miles?
Germany nearly vertical distance thousand kilometers. I would like to Gansu size, no less than Germany. And, Gansu is a long shape.
then eighteen-year-old father, is so, carrying their food and leather water bag, step by step, along the Yellow River Soil Road, coming out .... he was gone, a whole three months! Then he finally arrived in Lanzhou, and join the army it! For the first time I saw a light bulb, he was scared to death, even the light rope dare not touch, thought that the rope will pass electricity.
fate this time, it may be the stubborn tenacity of this young and moved. forces discovered my father was a high school, I decided to send him on to Xi'an University. So, my father not to North Korea Korean War battlefield, but rather, become the first batch of new China, the state college graduates. and that has become, then he met my mother, necessarily destiny.
Today from the day my father decided to leave the Loess Plateau over the past 57 years! There have been many ups and downs, grandparents and early sixties in Gansu starved to death ... the famine during the Cultural Revolution, his father as brothers and loved ones of religious belief, persecution, loss of all official posts, and then contacted the family has broken ... years later, the nightmare is over, my father Baigan intertwined, and I left home boss also, a cavity-free to love vent! therefore, more concerned about the patch of barren land.
said, to the middle and late seventies or early eighties, my hometown of those villages, only the increasing popularity of the electric pump. people to pump water from the Yellow River tributary up, after tens of kilometers of cement red channel, to the villages at the same time, every family has specifically made the save of the Yellow River water in a large deep pit of cement sub ... Since then, the children there, to get rid of the donkey drag day Water nightmare! Nevertheless, 83 years, when the first home back in Gansu, rural people to save water, or have let me, surprise!
said all four counties in Gansu Province, if only our home, as near the Yellow River tributary, the other place, really is the land of the dead! drinking water thanks to the cement kiln accumulated rainwater, not only can not imagine taking a bath, drink a big problem ... every family is poor, the young lady to eighty years, is simply that even the extra pants article, can not afford to buy. Third Mom home a 16 year old granddaughter, stepmother forced to give 83 years, those who are not married to the death of the tributaries of the Yellow River to do a new wife, the girl of tears, my father was no way to save her ... because at the local, granddaughter, did not apply on the. Besides, my sister already dead church, not the water from the stepmother girl places, remembered her family, be sure to force the girl to go ruin it!
Today, the father of five brothers, but only five dad live in this world. our generation, eleven men, eleven women , the largest cousin, and father age-matched. and our children of this generation the number of grandchildren and even my father do not know, should be more than a hundred of it!
so much, and my blood is connected relatives, still locked in, that piece of barren land, hard to find food and clothing ... his father last ten years, the financial effort to do a lot of time to warm, to help them. Strangely enough, the descendants of great Dad Dad II who are relatively well, and some even fared well, fortune, senior official, graduate students pursuing doctoral universities, and even study abroad have been. and the three father and five generations dad who is mostly not on the Rotary The mud at the wall ... and, after all, poverty is not cultural, and even relatives are too many stupid mind, between the father's partiality will inevitably arise as a non-worry. even literate, and some receive funding on the university's youth, do not ignore him after how ... so, he often stuck in some sort of a small trouble inside, do nothing!
Anyway, now, when we compare everything we have, and my sons are able to enjoy, and which most of the poor relatives stranded in the Loess Plateau, inevitably, have some nameless, fatalistic feeling!
If there had been no 18-year-old father, decided to flee the piece of yellow earth, would not have Today, well-being of all comfort ... I do not know all that, it should be attributed to my father, I, and the fate of his sons, or should be grateful, father had the fighting spirit?
son birthday today, he received an expensive birthday present ... the memory card 80GB Apple iPod ... 400 euros! what time of the Tiananmen Square, we can also to farmers, such a large stall colleagues? Yesterday was Saturday, Bremen town square, filled with farmers hawkers, flower stalls ... one person rose high, but the ten euros only! downtown street stall in the elderly, worry about the brutal expulsion of urban management. Our Town Hall Square in front of, not to people, so leisurely drink coffee? husband is authentic Chinese, please hearts softened, not always to this point, once again to attack me as a reason for marriage.
son arm plaster ....< br> harmonious and peaceful life today, are based on the eighteen-year-old father, then those impulses ...
18-year-old father had left home, to return to their homeland, the ... 1961 when the great famine in Gansu , littered with corpses. on 29-year-old father, although the Ministry has an important mission as a five-unit cadres, the monthly wages of 86 yuan, close to twenty times Mao reporting ... but can not save himself, in the famine person struggling parents! only to see them eat sweet potato leaves, bark, roots, whole body edema.
father later returned to Beijing in less than two months, my grandparents on both starved to death ...

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