Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anthony transaction was formally completed three teams into the history of the first exchange transfusion of 13 NPC

 Beijing Feb. 23 news, NBA Denver Nuggets and the Knicks officially approved, Minnesota's three-way deal, the Knicks president Donnie - Walsh officially announced the deal into effect. And the various media reports yesterday, is trading in today's final program, Minnesota's Costa - Library Voss was involved, the deal became final three teams in the Big 13 player transactions, the number of transactions also tied the NBA's first record.

According to yesterday's trading the major U.S. media to publicize the program, the Nuggets get the deal Wilson - Chandler, Raymond - Felton, Gary Donnelly, Mauds Goff and New York Knicks 2014 first-round draft picks, the Knicks obtained from the Warriors 2012 and 2013 second-round pick, another plus 300 million in cash. Knicks will be Carmelo Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Sheldon - Williams, Anthony - Carter and Barr Blackman.

New York and Minnesota have also been trading at the same time, the Timberwolves with their first-round draft pick and Clay - Eddie Brewer exchange Knicks - Curry's expiring contract and Anthony - Orlando husband.

However, the deal today, but because the Timberwolves into a filling between three teams of 13 players involved in more transactions. The final trading scheme are as follows: Nuggets get the Knicks Wilson - Chandler, Raymond - Felton, Gary Donnelly, Mauds Goff and Minnesota's library Falls, New York Knicks 2014 first round of elections the right show, 2012 and 2013 Ching-wen round draft pick; Knicks get the Nuggets - Carmelo Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Antonio - Carter, Barr Blackman, Sheldon - Williams and Minnesota's Craig - Brewer; Minnesota side by the Knicks - Eddie Curry and Antonio - Randolph. (Sohu sports Wella)

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