Thursday, February 10, 2011

Practicing lay empty experience (11 ~ 18)

work and practice in the pubic region pubic region work phase, the body reaction of the gas being more obvious. Because it is in the opening stages of the meridian and gas operations are beginnings and ends, and relatively easy to detect by practitioners. Practice in the pubic region after a period of work, especially in the pubic region into success on the stage of training, the basic flow of the body's meridians, the body's volume also increased a lot. gas to run in the meridian, from the original emotional quest, such as beads rolling tube into a water pipe filled with water in the entire meridian system as a steady flow throughout the body while in operation. The level of practitioners, often feel from the waist to face is often warm, electric hands and feet numbness is obvious. especially the hands, often inflated sense of that very effort. throughout the body has the feeling of gas to run, but very soft, very comfortable.
Please keep in mind, the body is in the process of practice continue to the gathering of energy. Buddha portrait portrait head of the ring and around the clouds gods, their body should be painted a vivid field. the pubic region are successful work life, the main body is to mobilize practitioners inherent congenital essence, so that together on a specific physical location (below navel), as the gas. and then clear the meridians, the formation of Zhou operation. this stage is to gather the main body of energy, the adsorption energy for the in vitro and various field the facility, ability is poor. In the spirit of awareness training is mainly the stability and concentration, that is, awareness of small scale. in the pubic region work phase of cultivation, is to start into the natural operation, the strength of natural variation. this stage, is mainly purify the mind, so that the spirit is more stable, resulting in the perception of a large area of the body. This what effect? is to make their own psychological well-field and began physical field superposition better adsorbed to the free state of the environment energy (the so-called also The more spiritual purification, the spirit of the more stable; the spirit of the more stable, psychological and physiological field superposition field level, the better; psychological field and the superposition degree of physical fields as possible on the surrounding environment in the free state of energy absorption and a variety of facilities around the ability to field the better, the faster the effort to improve.
power stage into practice on the pubic region, who live can sit anywhere, anytime as long as the peace of mind, there is the feeling of practice. As long as there is no need and do not mind concentration entraining the exercises, can with practice, no longer talking about a martial art. the gas flow, gas field enhancement, mental balance, physical comfort, is the effort to improve standards. this stage, cultivating the main content How to eliminate a variety of psychological disturbance. In this regard, the ancients had a word is worth drawing, called ! If cultivating Xiude Hao, martial arts leaps and bounds on the long, ever-changing. remember when I was in the repair of this level of effort, the day the air often feel a strong aura hanging over me. gas field diameter of about ten meters, is the white mist of Mongolia. feeling the pressure, feel the air around them seems to be freezing like. systemic blood is very smooth, the head of some halo heavy feeling. really into the thousands of miles, Therefore, reflecting the obvious, income is not great. to work on the pubic region this stage, the practitioners of the human field has been relatively strong, the sensitivity is relatively high, and more pay attention to to the present, successful practitioners who are I'm hanging over the gas field. gas field is growing. for a while, that the gas field from all directions inside the continuous influx to the navel. navel position inside the pubic region as a bottomless pit, like the tide rushed to the gas field which disappeared. This phenomenon lasted about an hour, then sleep the whole lower abdomen is also churn up the gas, very violent, can not control, but felt very comfortable. belly of the gas in the fierce rolling at the same time, beyond the flesh is still strong gas field continuously into the lower abdomen from the navel. After about two or three minutes, I feel a lot of air at the lower abdomen, the central body to the head along the Bay. When this great out of the air mass from the head of that moment, suddenly feeling cover the entire head was blown fly, consciousness has become somewhat blurred. ears to listen to the sounds around you feel a lot of vague, the whole body seems to melt. After a while, and I repeated silently received power, until the spirit returns to more normal , I slowly opened my eyes, very strange, I feel the whole body is nothing, no boundaries with the outside world. head also seems to become very large, and I feel very calm.
Since then, the whole body has been feeling melted The in vitro that the powerful aura of white mist all day Mongolian exist, and often feel that in continuously enhanced and become light perception. former gas field is from time to time, when the strong weak, the original body feel the pressure of the gas field are now gone. just some of the weight of the head often a sense of bulging forehead often have the feeling, but very comfortable.'s head also seems to sense that the weight of the roof or the sky overhead, and between attract each other. the operation of the gas is very clear, but very soft. just a little quiet, you can feel throughout the body have the gas in the flow of the body nothing, very comfortable. mind to see the flow of the gas situation not with the eyes, eyes closed, eyes open is the same scenario. the body outside of a gas field began to pale yellow round clouds, from the body relatively close, about 30 to 50 cm. you go, the clouds to with the where. No matter day and night, shapes and colors are similar. Those clouds will keep turning, I feel as if some major points of the body coming out of air.
After the top wide open, really, and once very different. the operation of the gas is very clear, but very soft. your meditation experience, many parts of the meridians can be clearly felt; you if you do not pay particular attention to the whole body is melted and void. outside the body yellowish white mist filled the body and in vitro gas field is synchronized operation; hand fingertips and palms, toes and the way of the sole, they are each other between the gas sensing, the formation of the vortex, when quiet time can be clearly felt, hands and feet have a mass of gas in the rotation: right hand is palm down, clockwise rotation. Zuxin right foot is down, clockwise rotation; the left hand is palm down counterclockwise rotation. Zuxin left is down, counterclockwise rotation; body warmth just right, only the back and head are often fever, feeling the weight of the head often, and sometimes swollen forehead. Despite these feelings, but very comfortable, quiet and easy to heart, whenever we get into the deep qigong state. hands, the fingers and palms often have significant power and inflated sense of numbness that can send arbitrary relatively strong gas, the gas is rotating issue .
open the top comfortable. after the head began to feel more and more the hole until the entire head as big as the head and was able to clearly feel the whole body melted into the gas field. opened the bonnet, the head broke into pieces to melt some of that, some feel that a sound inside the ear or head, the whole people had melted in the gas field. In short, the feel your body melt into the gas field, and opened or cracked to his head, but the head is still intact.
The gas field is growing, the body around the pale yellow clouds are growing more and more, the whole body more and more obvious sense of emptiness. vitro gas field will always exist, and the relatively high energy can make within a certain range of gas in people a sense of effect and treatment effect. to this level, the gas field around the body strength and hand strength of the gas field issue is about the same, practitioners no longer need to send gas treatment with both hands , and with its own gas fields can give medical treatment.
a quiet world. You can also see some people or scenery, or even see the dead person or animal figures, and sometimes you can see some scenes of ancient, or never thought about, heard and seen people and material. ancients called this phenomenon is the field of the world. think of other places to sleep, it is lost in thought. However, these ancient people known as the negative ecstasy of God. Why is it called After the smoke from the top of the head that make people feel that the right to practice physical and mental health, or even to develop wisdom. I wrote the article, the purpose is to help beginners, want them to avoid detours and that they do not go astray, to get the real benefits. I The paper said the body of his own pro card, and after instructors are sealed. you can rest assured reference, not an error. Some people asked me why I talk about the door division of the situation? In fact, this one voice of many old master teaching: practice is similar to, the same thing. each part of the characteristics of primary and secondary levels of effort; cultivation method to return a higher level is million cases, the only way out. that is Taoism's Buddhist must have equal heart, quiet mind, this is high level of spiritual purification. want to get into this state, we must first have a crowd as a teacher, of all things for the division of the open-minded.
is the fundamental practice. the mind is not the net, the heart is not unrest. No matter how you Qin-xiu training hard, even if there are clear divisions pointing Canadian who is also not a profound revision effort. because the heart is not stable, psychological and physiological field can not be a good field superposition body sites often turbulent, not to focus on his body, the body can better gather energy, how can kung fu ah!
culture, although the practice has a long history, many sects, but because of historical reasons and the martial opinion, the majority kept secret. Although there are many writings, but most use of metaphor or analogy, if not the Masters of guidelines is difficult to understand. Therefore, since ancient times, I think the practice to carry forward the culture of this treasure, to better living beings according to Fu, actual practices should open their hearts, will own the certificate of the repairs be made public, so that later scholars have tracks to follow. Some people like to say : further added that: in fact, everyone has twelve meridians, and kidneys, which all have endless meridians throughout the body both inside and outside the branch. meridians are generally smooth, but if damaged or (evils invasion) . Why most people can not understand the existence of meridians and to run the gas? It is because of the lack of introspective effort, but also because the body generally less than gas, it is difficult to detect. a small number of so-called Despite being not smooth in some places it does not matter, some time after lesions of gas will naturally melt, so smooth. twelve meridians and eight extra operating rules of nature and with a pulse will appear at times of gas is transferred, sometimes reversed.
since ancient times many people are talking about see a circle of light group, it may be their own image within the air mass; it may be early days, opened eyes, forehead appears that the circular shadow. practitioners will not be notified to the human body is rigid refining Dan well into the quiet of nature, do not practice and practice is the element that initially become God, is the second level, that is the King is a test of the External radiation is the same phenomenon. out of gas when the radiation from the top of the head is also formed around the head and body range of the gas field, the body farm would have to have the physical and mental duality, when the practitioners themselves and head to the surrounding gas field expands, appears to become gigantic, empty, and the feeling to float upward, which is also the ancients called training? generally do not, as long as in accordance with the the contents of the enrichment it is: A light intended to keep the pubic region, pubic region was gas, gas through small Zhou; pubic region full of gas, gas through a large Zhou; gently intended to keep the next two pubic region (gas through the internal organs); mind concentration on the next three pubic region into a whole (that is intended to keep the body gently), to a certain extent the natural
Sun God Sun God . Therefore, the to be all right. afraid afraid practitioners will be present as a mirage that appears true, lingering sadness, then shouted As long as practitioners figured out, understand that this is false, no problem. another person, when traveling in the sun God, it does not matter if frightened, Sun God is not lost, combination of: Some ancient said, . cultivators Know opening of the energy field with good communication nature; achieve this level of non-compliance by intellectual knowledge When we read the ancient books should be a martial opinion, not emotional, Sun God divided up, . sixth state of consciousness is a strong sense of self when the sense of self weakens to become the seventh consciousness, sense of self is weak (or even disappear) is the eighth consciousness. Since ancient times, some schools will be ; as the highest level of practice, life-long stay in the sun of God out of the training, that as long as how can not escape the body, even a any of the contacts, changes in birth and death, only focus on peace of mind, which is the traditional so-called gradually form a cloudy; their bodies more and more emptiness (nothingness). visible when viewed from within the mist-shrouded body, and in vitro gas field seamless. twelve meridians and eight extra gas is run through by, The in vivo through this group ; will naturally reduce or recover discomfort disappeared. At first, outside the body was white or pale yellow cloud; With the deepening of effort will become a multi-color or purple; Kung Fu advanced when clouds are one of the highlights is the pure gold, gas field ontology is sometimes golden, sometimes purple. vitro translation in mixed field strength is very complex, different aspects of the operation of different ways, cross each other, sparkling, twinkling, but hh does not affect vision; body cavity is often a mixture of strength for the erection or operation of the plane clockwise, counterclockwise operation occasionally and even appeared at the same time good times or bad, this is esoteric called
effort to achieve this level of practitioners often feel their bodies melt mixed in this great strength among the groups, physical and psychological is very easy, comfortable, quiet, really feel the same thing all around and melted in the gas field into. What is a If you are in total darkness or in the dark in the background, some people can see the white mist around the body of practitioners of the gas field or aperture.
old saying into the practice. Any station martial law, take the law, lying method can be used, but do not require the use of ideas in particular, do not pay particular attention to meditation. to the contrary, the idea of their own, or interior, you can also think, memorize scripture, you can also Song Zhou, Buddha and so on. In short, as long as the peace of mind, outside the field of gas and the automatic operation, the practitioners would not consciously into practice state. effort to reach this level, absolutely not The thought of seeing people and things from the sense of respect students, with their own gas field to the gas field facility, so that they also enhanced the gas field, which is instructions. Some people think this is stealing someone else's gas, in fact, doing so will not only not harm others, but may also enhance each other's gas field, which in Buddhism is called , as long as the mind and forthright, clear conscience, skill is not weakened or lost, do not go stealing other people; only practitioners do immoral things, thinking a heavy burden, the formation of self-interference, only the deviation of the loss of skill or that In the will be practitioners of the gas shrouded place, gasification, so that the patient's air-and gas fields have been adjusted and enhanced, resulting in therapeutic effect.
effort deeper, more intimate air-stable, fine, nothing more physical and mental comfortable, more sober mind; vitro gas field, the stronger the sense of light, the more extensive coverage. to a certain extent its practitioners will find a wide field of boundless air, filled heaven and earth, this is the initial integration to this when it said the practice was a real entry. Looking back, not things (such as articles, etc.) may be significant in the air-effect, this effect has to clear the meridians and increase the role of skill. This phenomenon is not magic, because practitioners of the gas field has long been hanging over us, when When we think of them, unconsciously synchronize each other's body field, our field is enhanced.
; empty scenarios, such as landscapes, figures, etc., which is traditionally called natural phenomena in the process of cultivation, when the practitioners body energy accumulation to a certain extent, can see the bright eyes closed. Kung Fu deeper, more intense light perception. a strong sense of light will be reflected to a certain extent some of the image, This is the first pass of the eye in the sky. Kung Fu deeper to see the more clearly see the more wide range. everywhere can be reflected image.
many practitioners have had through the way. Then practitioners will find it quickly flew over the body, while some of the sights, or people will see hh fact, this is The phenomenon is only part of the opening marks the forehead. Kung Fu deeper, the forehead and even the head of most of the opened, there is no ; that quickly flew over the body, There are falling down a black hole feeling the feeling (this phenomenon rarely) and where to live their own practice, what pose to Oh! never have problems. When the practitioners achieve the Where, where some of the more light, but also felt to be there. Of course, that just felt, his body still stay put.
, only the pro-card ; four-dimensional ; void crush activities can affect their physical activities, including the impact of the gas and field state, so the whole idea of a leading role in the cultivation process. the beginning of my practice intended to keep the pubic region, ideas are day of gas flow throughout the body, ideas are state, but also Gu Dade said surface into the water and the water will feel integrated, that the surrounding water, head above water. At this time the feeling of ideas or in the main plane. The level of practitioners is not the head no gas field? No, the gas field is not strong enough. to continue to practice martial arts more deeply, the head and body around the gas field also stronger, and this time the physical and psychological practitioners immersed in the gas field into a strong (like a swimmer to dive into the water.) gas field was completely integrated body, the body contour feeling very weak. with all their thoughts gas field in the melt is also among the crushed. is perspective, the mental activity has great dynamic role. Therefore, the idea of the practice and the nature of the mold is critical. a long history of cultivation, there has been a controversial: some people think should pay attention to the to achieve one shows dedicated to six states of consciousness, ideas, models also belong to the between consciousness Look, when the Sun God, traveling the psychological field practitioners deviate from their physical, physiological and psychological field field is not good to stack, causing the body can not be good practitioners to gather energy, so physical fitness and martial arts not improve. reach ; empty much the stronger. sense of a wide range of stretch, and gradually to the superposition of the practitioners body shaped well, it can quickly improve fitness and martial arts. reached the ; I awareness of those who have ...

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