Wednesday, February 9, 2011

K line shape - one of the farmers know how to do stock market gains, no gain - Oriental Financial ...

 Bow archery rules
graphics features: at least 30% or more shares, at the bottom to pull out a huge candle, and then continue to rise in small Yin Xiaoyang, followed by small-Yin Xiaoyang down, when close to the bottom of the pre- the time (plus or minus 5% range, does not matter whether there is a new low), started to pay attention.
price theory: when the bottom of huge candle, when investors must have courageously forced high, and then all the way to the small Yin Xiaoyang, so do not savvy investors continued involvement; when up to a certain height, the general average will be 30 days or 5 weeks average resistance, they began to slowly decline; when the bottom fell early, most investors that the stock price will continue falling, this time, the banker began to move, with the amount of energy amplification, pulled up to the beginning again. Many investors do not leave, and the investors do not understand this technology, see the opportunity to get out of trouble, will rush to sell, at which point you started a new round of upside.
intervention skills: When you find near the bottom of stock prices in the early, there turned up to signal when investors can be risky breakthrough time of 5 average intervention; sound investors not to rush to intervene, but should wait 10 days average share price break, and appeared an average of 5 through 10, average online time of up to 5 days and then stop the average line point, every down intervention. intervention, you can not break 5 in the average under the premise of starting at the lowest point, the general rise more than 28%.
selling skills: to the bottom of the calculation, and in accordance with the objectives of more than 20% increase estimates, in general, in the event of Jin Cha 5 average 10-day average line up the premise, look at 28%; in the adjustment, as long as the average does not fall below 10, or 5, average 10-day average does not Sicha line, we can once again break through the high points, can then increased by 28%. strong resistance levels generally set in the May average around particularly strong stock to break through May average, you can not break in May average, under the premise , waiting for the chance to double.
1. on average to be holding up, the target is generally more than 28%.
2. 3. the lack of any technology has its place, if of less than 28% of the theoretical gain, please hold down the 5 average 10-day average line cross the last chance to leave.
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