Thursday, March 24, 2011

Not worth Not worth

 Long, long time no diary , do not know how to express my inner feelings , the thought will not change, can be found until a few days ago , really changed, nothing has changed , everyone has changed, only those friends From the heart of the concern has not changed , why should we have to make life difficult with their own money in that money is earned back , why should we have to do it without fun . Just to see the long overdue to see the fact that Bale. Before I do not care , I think that is worldly possessions , but until that day I discovered that I had always been an idiot , I get in return is just feeling out of ruthless , now more regret , but the world did not regret it , then do not Think, take a good future like the way , do not repeat that mistake, learn to like smart , people like this, see the value or worth to know !

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