Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Opened 'Medical Malpractice' fig leaf

 [Introduction: Because of the relationship between career, I have more deep healthcare industry knowledge, contact with people around you, there are many employees in the medical industry, through the exchange of each other and their own experience, I believe I am some of the problems for the understanding of the medical industry and analysis, and will not drift too far. in front of written medical trouble, Yituo and other articles, and now came to write this Medical Malpractice matter, do not expect one hundred percent correct, but to do a clear conscience and a realistic reflection of its origins , my personal feelings between doctors and patients no clear tendency, but sake of discussion, and I l r based on facts from personal experience, and the exchange of medical industry professionals, the most important is that I have recently come into contact with medical experts Curry, have done many times the old Malpractice experts, through, and his communication, that makes this long to shape the text to write, the text inevitably flawed place, please correct me.]
always wanted Write an article on the Medical Malpractice area, but the delay write, to not say no time, the main material is not collected, when a thing is not very clear understanding of when to talk nonsense, this is great people skills illness, I always remind myself that remember the reason, and now the reason to write, one is my own work in this area requires knowledge related to each other to sort summarized in. Moreover, there is a personal experience with a medical Accident expert appraisal of the old long conversation, I feel that there is now writing material although it may still not enough to ills, but at least not distort the facts really are, and with the above two reasons, I determined to write this article lead.
To identify a comprehensive understanding of medical knowledge, can be a lot of ways, such as book knowledge, such as the Internet, of course, some people will have a direct l hearsay r! for book knowledge, all the things l r format, as economics theoretical knowledge as, in reality, the actual rules may have on the books with no small access; and hearsay for the l r, most people basically did not dare to believe in the authenticity of one hundred percent; and network knowledge, so like in the blend the benefits of the previous two l r, l hearsay will be built on a certain r based on the fact that, combined with book knowledge of a certain reality. Although these are mostly from the little knowledge of journalists and angry patients and implicit of patients with written, does not have absolute credibility, but for us ordinary people is concerned, to have the network the platform for a more comprehensive understanding to the fact that in itself is still good, after all, can be screened more information, and information came from a chance to even the selection did not!
identified in the earlier years of medical problems, there are two units with identification of the main qualifications: the health administrative department and the Chinese Medical Association. The two main organizations, relevant experts are identification of medical accident disputes, but is very surprised to learn that: in the early identification of several medical malpractice before, the two identified units actually made out of the identification results of 60% or even 80% is exactly the opposite, it is Why?
first look at the administrative department of health: For the identification of the main body of the Organization of Medical Malpractice, using people's words is: l I do responsibility to identify his son r, heels do not want to know that their credibility high. The reason is medical director of executive departments and hospitals are a community of interests, the interests of the hospital and even defenders, organized by the so-called experts who come forward, we can not consider itself an expert with the moral and medical standards, that is, even if the medical ethics experts, a medical standards, may also be forced to make are not intended in the final results. Therefore, whether they are the experts boast of how much more authority, once the composition of administrative intervention, including, for only energy is to enable patients to despair, not hope! This is not the empty nonsense, proven for decades, is doom for l r the results confirmed.
look at the Chinese Medical Association: In their own words is l Chinese medical science and technology workers to voluntarily and legally registered and established academic, public, non-profit legal association r, its 43 million members, objectively speaking, there are not any more authoritative than their main Malpractice the. at least from the results of what they do with the medical director often does the executive branch contrary result, we ordinary people can still have a glimmer of hope for justice. Perhaps, it was that glimmer of hope, so that our patient the most intense conflict has not yet reached the extent of this glimmer of hope if they lose, or do not have a glimmer of hope if long, then the doctors may have long been rampant in downtown groups, patient opposition is bound to water and fire!
2005 年 1 September Day, health administrative departments or before the Court, all drugs will be organized by local medical identification, of course, can be patient while the parties or the identification of ex parte application. In short, the a sex, a fact that a lot of people see hope, and even loudly advocated the ancestor to the rescue of patients! Sorry, guys I want to give these over-heated pouring a pot of cold water: the first not to get too happy!
denied Medical Association and its chapters around the contradictions in the patient has a pivotal position on mitigation, the important l r, is not he who made a fraction of the annual results on the identification of practical significance, but identified it as the main body of the abstract significance. It exists so that people believe their health care if they are not fair, is a place where grievances can tell, there is to be fair and equitable treatment possible! It's like a legal sense, although the limited penalties in criminal cases However, the deterrent power of law to put in there, so that each person should try to advance criminal weigh the possible consequences of their own! Therefore, it is this abstract, let us ordinary people is still not vent all the resentment Hospitals and doctors who go! This is perhaps the contradiction is the patient ease the country hopes to achieve the effect on it! but the reality it?
from me personally, have personally experienced a relative of the Medical Malpractice process, of course, is the observer, because the hospital was at fault, the final results of the medical identification will help to achieve the desired purpose of the smooth! I also understand that many patients by the Medical Association l Horn r! of Medicine many thanks, coupled with the fact that my analysis above, I should have added praise of Medicine, and even banners, flowers, applause all wished he could send something to! but unfortunately I was not the case, not only not so, I will also back the contents of a question to a question to challenge them through these questions, hoping the real panorama made public, Medical Malpractice, let the people truly understand their medical environment in which. Let We fully recognize that, in the current health care system, the only thing we can rely on is our own.
question first: the medical problem of impartiality itself. I raised this question a lot of people may say that I ulterior motive, or even that contradictory, because in front of people said good things does not it? how to doubt them now? In fact, I have questioned the absolute truth, and why? because in the past when there are two main qualifications, we are almost the finger of blame consistency of health administrative departments of alignment, therefore, will be made when the identification of medical and health administrative department is the opposite, the people the habit of thinking that medicine will be standing on their own side! is absolutely fair, but that it ? be so What? This fact is there are people inside the blind components.
when the cancellation of the health administration department after the identification of the main qualifications, the right of all Medical Malpractice Medical Association in a body, at this time, I do not believe that medicine will not, but to ask for the following medical problems:
first question: whether there will be local health administrative departments to run between l r? If so, how do you cope? this problem can not be avoided, the first in China, a relationship between the community, when the health sector, they lack the qualifications, but not the lack of their rights, regardless of your medicine whether you will be civil, non-profit nature, whether you, as long as the stick l Medical r bound to exist between the health administrative department, but also can not also small, so when there is medical dispute, identification of health administrative departments Despite the loss of eligibility, but instead can focus on to conquer all the l relations r Medical Association , this is not identified than their opposite results better? not only not funny to condemning, but also outright to a l r just the results to the patients. Of course, some may say that medicine will not be affected by these relationships affected, but the key is who to believe? What can we believe? Do you think your mouth that you?
second question: In the past the two main qualifications, Medical Malpractice been diverted, while the CD is now determined One of the main qualifications, identification of responsibilities is definitely more important, certainly need to double the number identified in such circumstances, how to ensure your work consistent in the identification of positive and serious attitude? this friend a good understanding of medical student because if a nurse new to the patient, it will be very patient, even loving, but if every day Shihou patients over many years, few nurses will maintain the patience and love, we can see in the hospital Manchuang rolling in pain patients, and nurses are blinking eyelids, without him, and used! numb! then identified as a medical subject, as a piece of paper can determine a person's decision, and even the fate of a family identified the main , you can guarantee they do not numb it? not irresponsible? Do not ask it too fast? If guaranteed, what guarantee? If not, what means we believe you?
by the above two issues, I thought as a Identification of the main Medical Association, is the need for their impartiality and the public of how to keep their work out a reasonable and credible argument. Of course, if you want to say I do not, you love coming or not, that I can do nothing, after all, in the current China, you are the authority, who is a grandson of medical malpractice is also not like to beg you have a heart to the identification of precise point? and I propose to you here question the fairness of , may look a little relative to the bar Bushitaiju and coughs! OK, I'm the talkative, not for you Medical Association, then I can challenge other people Why?
the second question: the expert composition and experts responsible. Every time Medical Malpractice, in accordance with the relevant Medical Association spokesman, is a database of experts from the computer randomly selected experts. Of course, the experts have to say that according to their r l to avoid the policy, that is, and the parties associated with medical malpractice medical experts try to avoid. Let us first hearing will be very happy, if not for us to do to identify the parties to the hospital people! But the fact is really so optimistic? Definitely not!
Earlier I mentioned the old experts, now retired, on this issue we conducted a special discussion, he has been shaking his head, saying that the so-called r l to avoid the policy, there is no use to anyone! because the parties can be avoided, but can not be avoided the relationship between them! here said to the relationship, so they took what I said for the old expert himself, he only attended for less than ten times reluctant to participate in Medical Malpractice, and headaches, why? because each times there are people called to identify the former, as I do not need phone content we all know! true colors by medical identification bar, not only offend people, but who can guarantee that they do not meet medical malpractice? distort it? own conscience and make life difficult, Of course, this sentence for me that I have contacted the old experts said, of course, can be said that those who have a conscience, experts said, would have no conscience as for the so-called experts who probably will not be a headache.
long as it is a career in medicine, in fact, have this worry, because almost all of these so-called experts, doctors working in major hospitals, and are in the hospital status, prestigious doctors in the community, or even that they are The main object tribute medicine distributors (generally small and low qualifications of doctors and doctors want to eat eat less rebate). They also have a future career in medicine may be encountered in medical malpractice, errors encountered in their work, then their inevitable also ask for the time, so, whether it is from the perspective of not guilty, or burning our bridges for their own point of view, as long as someone to talk to weigh gains and losses are generally! and when l r experts to weigh gains and losses, then such What credibility can the identification?
Some would say that people are randomly chosen by experts, is the outsiders do not know! no mistake, I admit that outsiders do not know, but outsiders to figure out what is l r , who is l outsiders r! Would anyone foolish enough to think that l r randomly selected number of experts that the parties really only experts know? Besides, I even believe that only those few experts know, is there any possible that several parties of the existence of medical malpractice experts to their own party friends r l experts say that news? to know, now do not have to rush at full speed for eight hundred years, only a few fingers pressing the keys on it! < br> In fact, experts believe that randomly selected people in secret, that I think is very childish! First of all, in one place, to enjoy qualified to participate in Medical Malpractice r l number of experts is limited, that the Chinese Medical doctors will not just what can go, even joined the Medical Council should also select to have a medical identification through qualification, that is, identification of qualified experts that have decided to be good value in this respect is no doubt, because such restrictions and selection, in a local level Medical Association, to participate in Medical Malpractice necessarily limited number of experts, after cooperating with each other through multiple identification, are bound to know, some people have long been familiar with! After all, in an area to a certain extent will naturally become acquaintances! In such cases, the expert does not know which among the participated Medical Malpractice? Moreover, the so-called l r randomly selected, that is the person to operate, therefore, the random and TV the winning numbers at random r l is different from the random! Thus, the list of experts is not the so-called outsiders to know, just not for us outsiders to know it, for among experts, of which there are r l outsiders say!
Some people accuse me, do not use suspicious mind to save people!, after all, the experts have a conscience! Yes, these words I recognized, I know that the old man is an expert with a conscience, but the key is you not with a conscience, to be a value more than half of the experts group of experts have a conscience Caixing ah! Why? Medical Malpractice result is not a person having the final say, but the so-called democratic vote, which is a result of the last discussion, such as that responsibility in the hospital, then the experts vote, the final result in favor of the identification of many medical liability side in the hospital, whereas the responsibility to patients. It is not difficult to see, if it is composed of nine experts, expert, then at least 5 expert with a conscience, if it is 11, she has six experts with a conscience hh see here, the view of conscience in the assessment process work? Moreover, there are some people who said earlier the situation, some to gifts, there may even promise to give the number of commissions on behalf of the hospital. So, hold l r friends or the conscience say Wake up!
work if the conscience of our nation to the present patient would not be so sharp contradiction ; If conscience work, the hospital's senior physician who should not receive a red envelope, a rebate; If conscience work, hospitals should not be cheaper after the price of drugs out of the hospital; If conscience work, we would not have disease did not dare go to the hospital; If conscience works, why you want to undo the subject of the administrative department of health status; If conscience work, Why should our teeth in front of the hospital the day finally spit hh very popular with the sentence, the words of the street now do at the end of it: here, how much money the value of conscience?
third challenge: the identification process is not the principle of openness. Even now, all the assessment process almost closed the program, this l all r Although there is hyperbole in there, but without, we see why: identification of material does not open, asked both sides to provide material identification of groups, but the parties do not know what the other material provided in the end, at least for hospital patients is not known What materials, the adequacy of the materials provided; the names of experts and the information is not public, patients do not know what identified them, or even what experts do not know; expert appraisal of the process does not open, that is, experts What makes identification based on the results, patients do not know, at least not clear, although the statement of reasons for both sides before identification and point of view, but in the end the discussions and decisions are secret; identification results of the expert opinion is not public, and finally handed over if the identification results to the court, only votes in favor and against, without expert advice and signed objections in favor of that.
these aspects can be seen from the above, the so-called identification, for patients is to the required materials provide them and their own reasons to be stated and opinions expressed later, such results can only helplessly, and for the results to what will happen, what people are doing identification, identification of the other basis for identification of the different views and so is absolutely impossible to know, they can do is to seek the Buddha may bless, bless finally arrive at a responsible party's results in the hospital, where I do not blame the hospital and patients in both group of experts for the identification of the original information and resources are not equality, my question is: how these procedures can not be made public? what hidden things so that they open it so afraid of?
other I am not very clear, but experts are not willing to say a name and comments said. Listen to the experts, said the elderly are generally reluctant to involve into the incidents, if named, it certainly offended party, regardless of the offending hospitals or patients, they are unwilling to do so! are not even say it! from the elderly mouth, I feel that the experts he is wronged, but my heart do not understand how to trouble: If you do the assessment and identification of a reasonable fear of Jin ah, what kind of birds? Although old people are very polite, but I still anger Nan Xiao : Now ask them to do the identification of these experts, is to listen to expert advice, and hope is just professional advice, there is a fair outcome. that to the good, the result is not yet identified, the first retreat to their own well regarded , and will afford to lay out in their heads already thinking: if he did not get into trouble like, as long as not a sinner like himself, as to the fairness of the result, anyway, and no one knows I voted in favor of or against, anyway, and No one can know that I participated in the identification of hh event if it is normal, and I also think that the way to play it safe is not impossible, but the key is that this is to ask your expert r l to the original intent, which originally reflected the value of your expert significance of this is to let you and other experts have been to a fair and just to say, this has always been your group's own work and significance, if you are so, and also just talk about, what kind of shit?
Therefore, for this identification of programs do not open the question, is the most annoying and not understand me! If people do not want to give us an understand things, will simply undo the monument l Medical Malpractice r! If you want to create a truly just to ease the contradiction between doctors and patients the authentication mechanism, then let the program open, the only way possible to ensure the impartiality of the results. I write to you, I think of old people's words, are beyond our control! good one involuntarily, if the program can not open, results can not be fair, I really can only suspect that this is just some of the bureaucratic shift our attention to a strategy people, high-impact, involving wide of give you a fair outcome, so we thought all the results are justice, and in fact it? is dog feces all TM, is a fig leaf! all our people Dang Houshua ah?
fourth area is the result of the identification question: Actually, I did not want to write this question, because Here, the question is more of a complaint, if it is a favorable outcome for patients, I also questioned what? Honestly I do not know, should I go for the hospital said the results wrong? that I might really soon people to be reviled, then those results in the identification of patients with negative challenge? I questioned what? Why question, how to confirm their challenged? not work. in turn think about this question is not what I need it? right: I have to question is, will the identification of medical results to the results of just a simple, if it is detrimental to the hospital, the hospital can also use their expertise to the debate, and our patients? If there the identification of adverse outcome in patients, we just have to accept patients if this road! this fair What?
Why is there such a situation, it is because the contents of the third question, that is, the program does not open, causing all the adverse party will be the natural outcome of the identification results of doubt and denial! In many cases, the result can be identified as the basis for forensic or even the only basis, therefore, the identification of extraordinary significance of the results, however, regret, even hateful is that even if the court can only be carried out according to judicial decisions identification results, that the Court can not summon the parties to appear for the identification of experts to do a reasonable description of the results! Well, I think of is here, for a judge may know nothing about medicine , the identification results of this paper is equal to a white one What does it mean that? We all know that the most important court is the truth and sufficiency of the evidence for a fundamental no one, nothing else to prove its impartiality The r l Medical Malpractice Report, on what basis the court decision as a patient to take responsibility to do this?
Having said that, back to the previous question, the expert is not willing to testify in court, of course, I have from the see Shandong has a network of experts to testify, and indeed the final proof of the responsibility of the hospital, is said to be the first case, for him, my personal thanks and admiration, but this did not change the grief of my heart, after all, is always an individual can not change a whole, as a good doctor can not always representative of the current health care as a whole! Unfortunately, many of our people was completely dark, completely unaware of such a thing, take it for granted that the identification results is absolutely fair, For example, certain and even to get a favorable appraisal of the results, alas, we the people which is a flat-head opponents of those who were to be it as a fool, and changing the law are still being repeated three to try to fool, 是可忍孰不可忍!
questioned the fifth aspect is the Medical supervision and medical examination results will be. at least for now, the medical aspects in Medical Malpractice, it absolute authority Shuoyibuer! satisfied with the results of the identification? can ah, you find other people identified! but hh TMD in the country, but can only be identified in the Medical Association which is nothing more than just another place. Here I remind patients pessimistic Friends, if the results of previous identification of Medicine and Health administrative departments will be identified, then the opposite result, and now, even if you come to Beijing, identification of results is almost not the opposite! do not mind to be able to know the reason.
Therefore, the health administration department of the disqualification of the subject should be celebrated, but will be exclusive to establish the identification of the main medical qualifications, is not optimistic about the up! independence on behalf of the tyrants! What is a tyrant? that is unreasonable, to medical Identification of the accident? point I honestly applications satisfied with the results? love Za Za drops! anyway, is not to explain why, anyway, is not to explain how the results come, what is this? This is unreasonable! Thus, need to be a regulatory department, to monitor the behavior of the identification of Medicine, and establish clear rules and regulations, if there is obvious distortion of facts and a clear identification of selective blindness, take appropriate punitive measures! Unfortunately, these are my fantasy Perhaps this is the cause of suffering in my heart.
integrated the above five aspects of the question, I would have l to r, a good situation Malpractice despair! I do not know how many people like me so pessimistic and Desperate, I hope that is only my own, I even hope that their own suspicious mind to speculate on the morality and conscience of those experts, and if so, to feel that I have as a worthy villain to! but if it is On the contrary? If the facts as I had stated in the text, if these issues are really one by one questioned the existence of even more problems, but I can not see such l r outsiders, and those experts also do not want to say? not help the sweat, of course, is the cold sweat!
that have to change these problems? I have been thinking, trying to have some of the more feasible methods and ideas, such as in the fifth question, I propose set up a retirement expert, or a foreign Distinguished medical experts, as an independent part of the whole health oversight agencies other than the identification of Medicine the results of supervision; such as identification at different places, Shandong, Sichuan, you can choose, you can choose Beijing, can choose to Chongqing, but not equal to each other, identification, that is, identification of Sichuan to Chongqing, but the identification of Chongqing in Sichuan not only firm to another city to avoid between the two cities Medicine l flirting r; such as adopt procedures to the public, experts, public and so on. Although, in my view have practical significance, but hh what is the use? when it comes to the practical interests of some people, what useful things will become useless decoration!,; once related to specific ways of the world and relationships in China, Do not you want justice and fairness; Once everybody is on the society and the public lack of trust and understanding, when what can only be on wild dogs barking! me these things in a lot of people eyes, ears just inviting smile!
I was the common people, I am more likely to become a patient in the future, so I was committed to understanding and analysis of the medical industry, to help themselves and their loved ones and the less deceived injury, perhaps my greatest wish! and for other friends, from their environment and their own experiences, or learn from my article, how many things the medical industry, I do not know. I have written about health care the problem of articles, such as Yituo, medical strings, such as medical trouble, no other purpose, I never thought I could change the others, I have not the kind of salvation, r l and capability of the false Goddess of Mercy, people on the right when I own a medical environment in which grievances and vent it!
Finally, apply in my speech, then, in the current health care environment, we the people have no choice, did not rely only on their own efforts study nutrition and health knowledge and disease prevention knowledge, as much as possible to make their own little sick, perhaps only a few sick, out of the medical environment is the only way of various circles, otherwise, we can only pray to God we have in the future face, they can experience not only medicine, but also the ethics of physicians; in the event of medical disputes, can meet both the conscience of another group of experts responsible. But God will answer it? praying if God the hospital over the weekend as people linked to the same number of experts line up, then when God can hear my prayer, when will the contents of my prayers answered, that time, I can enjoy to What? 

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