Sunday, January 23, 2011

Customs revenue more than 1.2 trillion yuan

 General Administration of Customs said in 2010, China's continued economic recovery to consolidate the good trend, the rapid growth of imports and exports, the major sources of imports of goods showed growth for the customs revenue to provide a stable source of tax revenue guarantee. Particularly effective strategy to expand domestic demand to expand the total imports, China's import and export value in 2010 was $ 2,972,760,000,000, an increase of 34.7%.

General Administration of Customs, said customs across the country adhere to the law collection and management, scientific administration and Zonggezhishui, improve processing trade, the domestic tax system and equipment to carry out illegal use of tax breaks, export tax rebates and other special projects cheating, tax quality increasing the tax effect of the financial and economic regulation further enhanced customs revenue as a powerful means of national macro-control one. Meanwhile, the optimal regulatory clearance services, further improve the tax service, launched a nationwide electronic payment system, customs taxes and fees, taking into account the security and payment of taxes convenience.

2010 year is the 30th anniversary of the customs taxes will be collected. 30 years, the cumulative customs tax 7.43 trillion yuan, accounting for central government fiscal revenue over the same period the proportion remained at 30%. After accession to the WTO in 2001, the Chinese government in accordance with WTO commitments reduced the import tariff rate continuously, the arithmetic average of the current tariff of 9.8% over the reform and opening up (1992) fell 42.5% 77% 36% decrease compared with before accession to the WTO. If you consider the trade structure factors, the weighted tariff rate in China is only around 3% of tariff levels close to developed countries.

Zhuangao Financial Network reporter Panying 19, General Administration of Customs released the data that the National Customs revenue in 2010 exceeded one trillion yuan mark a historic total of tariffs and import taxes 1.25183 trillion yuan, 330.47 billion yuan year on year increase, growth of 35.9%. Among them, 202.78 billion yuan of tariffs, import taxes 1.04905 trillion yuan, respectively, compared with 2009 growth of 36.7% and 35.7%.

(Securities Market Weekly feed)

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