Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ying-Ying Wu magical beauty first interview! (Photos)

 School of Management organized a special for her exchange. Many of her students to express worship, learning to ask her, but also several students stand up and question its achievements, Ying-Ying Wu made a part of the response to the question, saying, to make it past exchange in the second floor of a classroom to teach Beijing Normal University held the evening 8:30, the exchange will start on time, no room to accommodate hundreds of people a few vacancies left, and then there are many students arrived one after another, can only squeeze in the door Zhanzhao Ting. Many students simply sat in the back stood up eagerly waiting to see Ying-Ying Wu, a dozen students even moved to stools to sit down in front of the aisle, , Ying-Ying Wu dressed relatively inconspicuous. she says she recently busy early morning before the day returned to Beijing from the field. One School of Beijing Normal University students host to Ying-Ying Wu's inventions, patents, computer programming, dance, English and other aspects of the Ying-Ying Wu Q & A AC, Ying-Ying Wu to answer publicly about the content and basically the same as before, the reporter noted that she referred to the Bureau of their identity in the ACM, still says he is Many students arrived at the scene said the worship of Ying-Ying Wu, a boy from Sichuan in the seats at least more than 10 minutes, he said, years ago, Ying-Ying Wu in Chengdu, the news of winning a great encouragement to his invention interests, including their innovative thinking, then, Ying-Ying Wu for his huge impact growth. He wanted to exchange more than the invention experience Ying-Ying Wu, the plan was dropped because time is too short.
The student then presented flowers to Ying-Ying Wu , the embrace of flowers, Ying-Ying Wu, and three students in this field the students bowed.
Ying-Ying Wu many students interested in programming and creative ability, Ying-Ying Wu talk about their experiences. She said he had spent 24 hours almost do not exist to address the subject of an algorithm. So he has little time to rest, once competition was held in his hometown of Chengdu, but they still there, However, her remarks caused some students to boos.
more than half the students speak for the challenge
last night, talking about the Ying-Ying Wu in the field, the student audience heard whispers from time to time, Really? how and not the same as the Internet. students with a half-hour free Q & A session, students asked the question is still the most publicity after a number of Ying-Ying Wu doubt, and her attitude.
Ying-Ying Wu, a girl, please list your invention is what 100, Ying-Ying Wu only replied saying: and access to patent between 1 to 4 years to the time difference.
many problems, she was not a positive response. If a student asked for a week to be something between you from God, and fell altar, how you think? Who should be responsible for this farce?
Ying-Ying Wu, said she felt more important is their current attitude, the truth of her experience is not the problem. She said she had a clear understanding of their own The key is that it rendered correctly, for the rumors, she will face the correct posture. As for the media speculation of irregularities, the fact that she would come out right.
Ying-Ying Wu said the development of the situation that she did not expected, the first (negative) reports came out, he and said, now to the climax stage, and many teachers encouraged her students must be strong. She is now a need to clarify some facts of the time. However, she also declared on many occasions, and now the key is to have the peace of mind to do themselves, thing of the past is over.
groupies full track
students live on yesterday's talks, there was a male student wearing glasses looked exceptionally active, he crouched holding a slim digital camera under the podium Ying-Ying Wu, from time to time Kacha Kacha pressing the shutter, the Ying-Ying Wu movements, smiles, all shot down. reporter asked the boys are not students, and his mysterious smile, lens at the Ying-Ying Wu.
around half past nine, the host announced the end of the lecture, but many students do not leave, but well up to the Ying-Ying Wu surrounded with flowers, there to leave contact information, there posed for pictures, and less than a minute, Ying-Ying Wu finished with a business card to send. wearing glasses is closely followed by Ying-Ying Wu male students took a non-stop.
few minutes later, there are some students around the fuss Ying-Ying Wu, Ying-Ying Wu Wear on a black coat, quickly squeezed out from the door, the reporter is busy with her down the stairs, but ran out of the corridor has been an instant Ying-Ying Wu, disappeared in the night.
reporters are confused, only to hear the sound around a boy shouted, turned out to be students take significant steps to recover the glasses out, while pressing the shutter frequently run not forgotten. Reporter busy chasing after him Ying-Ying Wu, Ying-Ying Wu saw more run more fast, quickly rushed out of the south gate of Beijing Normal University, across the street, stopped a taxi ride away.
students with a sigh Unfortunately glasses, but also aimed at speeding away in a taxi carrying Ying-Ying Wu took a good few like. reporter was very surprised and asked why the student has been tracked with the film Ying-Ying Wu, the student said, he is a senior at Beijing Normal University, School of Management, with the feeling of this film is fun Ying-Ying Wu, spirit, to be a continuous follow-up reports decided to give her the follow-up reports, here are tonight I heard her talk to over Miaomiao, we really did not expect a pat. , Ying-Ying Wu and the other students in the school introduced on behalf of candidates for the .12 7, Beijing Normal University, the school held a press conference is to promote the Ying-Ying Wu.
Also in his blog, Ying-Ying Wu canvassing.
under selection process, this Person of the Year Award in 2006 National Student voting phase of activity at 0:00 on December 13 deadline, yesterday, journalists open the selected website, the 25 listed in the Home in the name of Ying-Ying Wu is not found. (Xinhua Wu Xiaojing Li Liqiang)
Ying-Ying Wu, 21, Beijing Normal University senior girls, psychology.
Ying-Ying Wu, the American Enterprise Topcoder vice president of Asia.
two very different present and together, made her suddenly become the new darling of the media. In media reports, she is portrayed as a genius mm over a hundred inventions, three national patents, computer programming expert, 艺术特长生, all seemingly . Ying-Ying Wu, vice president of foreign office to the news release to the outside world, attracting swarms of media coverage.
convention interview with Ying-Ying Wu is not difficult, the difficulty is the time to see her.
12 月 9 日 4 pm press in accordance with the Ying-Ying Wu Office of the appointed time came, no one saw her sight. Ronaldinho told reporters that her colleague, Ying-Ying Wu these days too many people interviewed, she has ears in work. Ying-Ying Wu with Ronaldinho in the same office, 20 more square meters of space, before and after the two office rooms. Ying-Ying Wu a corner desk, a blue BUBU bear lying. next to shelves of books she normally read. remove the professional books, inspirational books, has just been Connaught Bell Award for , red lip gloss girl a little fashion sense; a black business wear, lace shirt in a big set of standard professional lady dressed; speaks like a small speech cadence. These are to let her look mature than many girls her age.
the interview day to 8 points, Ying-Ying Wu to immediately participate in company meetings. journalists can only agree with her again at 10 am the next day to continue across the world. The next day until 13:00 or so, her home has just concluded a Beijing TV media interviews.
once again see Ying-Ying Wu, with a trace on her young face could not conceal the tired, could not help but complain to reporters, I should take the amount of news coverage is how much? School Press Center had arranged for me a result, most of the day to take me! now my boss I have a little dissatisfied! day and night programming, and now three or four hours sleep a day, she seemed a bit because of the media by surprise bombing force.
give Stanford, Ying-Ying Wu received Topcoder
fact, there is another option. This year August 26, Ying-Ying Wu access to study at Stanford University is about to end, because of her outstanding achievements, she has a Master of Psychology at Stanford University to pursue the opportunity.
the same stage, Topcoder (hereinafter referred to as Tc) an invitation to her company.
situation, I think this post is for my expertise and interest in my past experience, whether as ACM (the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest) in the Competition Organizing Committee and the Challenge Cup experience, can to some extent support my work on this. talks. China's software able to provide stimulation and education, power, development of software talents in China. life, play a pioneering role classmates were shocked.
small Zhuo is a classmate of Ying-Ying Wu. According to a small Zhuojie Shao, a total of more than 70 students in the class, the current work is given a Ying-Ying Wu, and most of the students are in looking for work ; dire straits convinced the people because of their large gap between the reality of her, while they do not understand Ying-Ying Wu.
Sun Jiaqing told reporters, Ying-Ying Wu is often not in class, usually with less exposure to people. Moreover, she acted low-key awards in the international community to take , also never tell you.
rules, she has been know what they want. also involved in research, competition, mainly refers to the ACM competition (ie, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest), sophomore continues to participate in ACM's contest, but more time to devote to the Challenge Business Plan Competition, junior turned ACM, organizational work and research work, a senior side continue research work, he began a new phase I am. Organization of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, the International Computer Association) sponsored, recognized as the world's largest and highest level of international Collegiate Programming Contest, allows participating students through the competition to demonstrate the use of computers to analyze and solve problems themselves capacity.
The competition not only illustrates the ability of Ying-Ying Wu in a certain area, leaving her students with the general community has a different perspective.
Sun Jiaqing that Ying-Ying Wu in the process, Race organizers and the process of doing business, get to know a lot of people. her courage to express themselves in the process, to show themselves, her social vision is not the same. hit the jackpot the state.
is the target, and so Paul does not feel Kaoyan on the research of the target, pass the test of the work to find that feeling hit which is which. Choose tutor, waiter and so on. many students did not mind working, not planning. , programming is her hobby, she did not like the way some students give up because of professional interest, nor give up the profession because of love. Sunjia Qing said, sophomore year when I asked her, what is your career plan, she told me she thought of a place to carry out scientific research. She found her interest in science and technology and the like, such as inventions, like computer programming is very particular about the creation of things, she also feel that they are suitable for their work, she felt that this combination is better. she felt that their advantage lies in a very comprehensive, is designed to go after not suitable for the road, more suitable for integrated location. .
Ying-Ying Wu has two beliefs: do they like to do; Once started, it must adhere to in the end. orientation to find their own characteristics. , way is to stand out by their favorite programming. And this time she suffered the first of life in Waterloo.
that game results are not expected to reach her goal of a lot worse from her target. Competition is October of each year held, which means the game is sophomore in high school she was able to participate in the final. She can no longer participate as an ACM contest high school students, and that makes her return to college entrance route. She used the time to review the year third year three-year course, the last year to focus on lines above the score of twenty to be admitted ahead of Beijing Normal University.
school freshman, she immediately joined the ACM group. until 8 am the next day, constantly modify a program. In fact, I was an old ox. understand the competition's so hard to do things, to the university to give up. She gathered the boys, experts gathered in the program areas of competition persevered, and I know she has a particularly difficult time, she did not give up. In the contest this point, Ying-Ying Wu's mother was opposed to. time could not see her pass boxes, I have for her anxious. , studied the two-dimensional coordinates of plane geometry, inadvertently, I have made a design inspiration. In fact this is something I've been thinking for a long time. Wandering
Ying-Ying Wu's junior and senior high school life are key Shishi Middle School in Sichuan Province, spent, studying hard and buried under academic pressure than most of the same age together, just a little alternative. , class and do not listen, do my r l fast search technology inventions. waver in class, doing the doing. My classmates can not stand me, they are in class every day I cut Kacha Kacha dictionary in class, punch. high school who is basically a go its own way, the teacher began to say, Ying-Ying Wu lectures! I feel like I will listen to that. I would only do things according to their own ideas. high school rehearsal of To do this, I just want to live by his understanding of inclusive. said: often caused controversy with the students. This will lead to other students countered, she would debate in the classroom with the students. further education system, stifling. In Ying-Ying Wu received in China, launched by the Yang, a lot of time, who do not know whether she was in the test a relatively satisfactory test results. high school is the most exaggerated in the classroom can not go to the bathroom, as if to a toilet to learn a lot less than others like, this is a very extreme conditions. arrangements for their own lives so rich and varied, and no escape from this kind of education system, so that people feel very magical. Ying-Ying Wu commented on the outstanding reasons: level. only an absolute interest, there is no absolute success!! the media side of the story often overlooks many of the details, the people thinking of introducing a cleverly designed trap. feel helpless. Ying-Ying Wu is to exercise this way. Basically she wants to do what parents are strongly supported. even to be a model, we are concerned about her, she voted with great enthusiasm. I have a friend say, is that you never gave her pour cold water. , obsessed with the invention of the Ying-Ying Wu often locked himself in the house. inventions. young Ying-Ying Wu also aware of the serious studies, my mother had asked incredulously if I can successfully admitted to focus on high school. ;
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