Sunday, January 9, 2011


 Eggs did not and rain forced a long time, and all kinds of messy things busy few days ago. Recently a new leaf at last triumphant return of the person's heart is ~ solidification and change in an instant hard. Vulnerable to the attack it is the truth. that it is now pretty solid, aggressive behavior outside world too much point to me, but I'm more at ease but more extreme. This is how to study the chemical reactions through h
really did not rain always intense than I am, whatever I saying things against me she can storm up. a covetous who want to posture h pumping weak she scolded me if I even can play over h overseas phone really quite Chong girl. I like these girls around Niuzai also beat of h
this word did not say I like to be able to understand each other through the state, because some of the things I do not want to elaborate, pointless waste of saliva. why put herself to look too tragic color, people always want to be responsible for their actions. I just told her that I have never been so easy. She said well I am assured, I know how strong you are!
write today to see Ah, I really laughed. that's quite true thing
welcome to get out. Do not use other people's cruelty-free make their own scars, he is not worthy! cheated h fools willing to see. the surface of things not for themselves, because everything will be reversed. there is no absolute end. unless the topic of death h dark, and not pondering. heart to see, will not be presented out of those clouds stimulate. Frankly speaking I know who is the most difficult. helplessness, numbness, sorrow, fear h barabara a variety of complex intertwined. people there, there must be exported, the two are blocked Cishi to to be killed. I burst into tears, touched h
12 26, sunny, windy. I closed the door, the pain stop. because I learned to trust and understanding.
remember someone had told me suddenly understand those who pray, not to pray for good fortune or power is given, repeat convictions only. just a little too many times the words will come true. hope for ourselves, and others have given not reliable.
is that there is a living faith. Hey, this added a bit of the fitted b
winter comes spring still far away? meet people who will meet again!

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